Daphne Hendrie, Maureen Wood, Shiriey McCauley, Janet Partridge (Hataiatai)
Rex Hayes, Peter Ball, Fay Doyle, Harl Stevens (Kapiti)
Brenda & Neil Dykes (Khandallah)
Brian Thatcher (Park Avenue)
Lindsay Skinner, John Beard (Porirua)
Tim Lovell-Smith, Marsha Donaldson, Peter Berrill (Silverstream)
Brian Smith, Dirk Winnie (Upper Hutt)
Peter Evison (Wellington)
Michael Rocks, Gordon Dykes (Khandallah), Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue), Graeme Morris (Masterton), Lyn Skinner (Porirua), Gerard Pinguet (Wellington)
Moved: Brian, Seconded: Lindsay
Open Polytechnic Social Club: Brian to contact Louise Sligo for details on club for the WPA website
As per the AGM Accounts
The meeting discussed the proposal and agreed to have a first run with the WPA 2001 Triples Championships. The proposal to be reassessed after the trial.
New format discussed. The meeting agreed to retain the current format. However it was agreed that the number of entries would be adjusted to ensure they fitted the format. Registration forms to be sent to clubs as early as possible. Meeting agreed that entries should be in two weeks before the first interclub date to enable the adjustments to be made.
Some discussion on what ruling is required to deal with teams/players arriving late or not turning up on the day. Decision to be made at the next meeting.
Date: Sunday 1st April 2001
Venue: Park Avenue
Time 8:00 am for 8:30 am start
Entry Fee: $30.00 per team
Trophies 1st & 2nd place in Championship, Plate & Bowl. Certificates for 3rd & 4th in Championships
The NZPA Committee is meet in March for 2 day meeting. Will report at the next WPA meeting.
The WPA to pay Kapiti $100.00 for use of their facilities last year (2000).