Minutes of Committee Meeting, 7:30pm, 19 October 2000


Daphne Hendrie (Hataitai)
Fay Doyle, Rex Hayes (Kapiti)
Michael Rocks, Dean Norman, Neil & Brenda Dykes (Khandallah)
Graeme Morris (Masterton)
Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue)
Lindsay Skinner, John Beard (Porirua)
Tim Lovell-Smith (Silverstream)
Brian Smith (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet (Wellington)


Dirk Winnie (Upper Hutt), Lyn Skinner (Porirua)

Minutes 17 August 2000

Moved: Brian Seconded: Daphne

Matters Arising

Alteration to minutes: Khandallah training day should read as '30 players attended'

Interclub format. Problem with pools on final day of Singles (refer General Business)

Financial Report

Report tabled of current financial position

NZPA Singles Championship

53 entries. Kapiti has everything under control.

Jacques Cochonnet Trophy

Draw for next round

November - Kapiti, February - Silverstream, March - Porirua, April - Upper Hutt, May - Park Avenue, June - Hataitai, July - Wellington, August - Khandallah

NZPA Report

The NZPA Committee to meet during the Singles Championship

General Business

Interclub Singles

Gerard asked why the number of pools and p1ayers per pool was changed on the final day. It was explained that the format was the same as previous Interclub formats. Agreed to explain format to Gerard.

WPA donation to Dirk

Dirk is the first Wellington player to be selected to represent New Zealand at pétanque. It was moved "That the Wellington Pétanque Association donate $100 to Dirk Winnie as a contribution to his travel expenses"
Moved: Lindsay, Seconded: Fay

Ammendment moved: "That the amount be increased to $200".
Moved: Gerard Seconded: Daphne. Passed

Ammended motion: "The Wellington Pétanque Association donate $200 to Dirk Winnie as a contribution to his travel expenses"
Ammended motion passed (1 against)

Donation to be taken from the Travel Fund.

Wellington Pétanque Week

Graeme suggested holding a Petanque Week to generate publicity and new club members. Suggested this could be done in September 2001.

Open Polytechnic Social Club

Request from the Open Polytechnic Social Club to join the WPA. They have a pétanque terrain and active playing members. Agreed that they could affiliate to the WPA.

Inter Region Tournament

Contact Hawke's Bay re inter regional tournament.

Club Reports

Brian W Smith