Daphne Hendrie, Shirley MacCauley (Hataitai)
Fay Doyle, Nan Page (Kapiti)
Liz & Michael Rocks, Dean & Susan Norman, Neil & Brenda Dykes (Khandallah)
Graeme Morris (Masterton)
Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue)
Lindsay, Lyn & Helen Skinner (Porirua)
Tim Lovell-Smith (Silverstream)
Brian Smith (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet, Peter Evison (Wellington)
Dirk Winnie (Upper Hutt), Ron Knox (Khandallah), Janet Partridge (Hataitai), Rex Hayes (Kapiti)
Moved: Brian Seconded: Daphne
Amendment to Item 7. Should read as follows:
"Meeting discussed contribution to Park Avenue for use of their facilities for holding regional tournaments. Agreed in principle. To be dscussed at the next committee meeting.
Report tabled of current financial position
Suggestion we use the indoor facility at Clareville
Moved: That the doubles final day (16th July) be held at the indoor facility at Clareville. Moved Brian Seconded Liz
Amendment moved: That we consider using the indoor facility at Clareville in the event of inclement weather
Moved: Gerard, Seconded: Fay, Passed
Decision on using Clareville to be made on the Thursday before the final day
Moved That the doubles final day (16th July) be held at Kapiti. Moved Brenda, Seconded Neil. Passed
Against: Daphne Shirley
Abstained: Barbara Graeme Liz Tim
Moved That the WPA purchase both an Interclub Doubles andd Interclub Singles Trophy for the winning club The Obut Trophy to be presented to the overall winning club of both the doubles and singles
Moved Graeme Seconded Gerard Passed
Against: Barbara
Registration date: 17.7.00. Entry fee: $5.00. Venue: Round 1: Clareville, Round 2: Kapiti, Final Day: Park Avenue. Start time: 9:00am for 9:30am
Barbara updated meeting on NZPA activities. The next issue of Pétanque New Zealand (due out before the end of June) will have reports of the NZPA Committee meetings.
The media has commented on the difficulty of identifying teams/players at national tournaments. NZPA has suggested teams should look at co-ordinated polo shirts. There is resistance to uniforms. However we have to consider that publicity means sponsorship and sponsors need publicity. A WPA polo shirt may need to be considered for inter regional competitions.
Liz agreed to talk to INL Newspapers re publicity.
Move: 'That the Park Avenue Petanque Club be paid an annual fee of $100 for use of their facilities.'
Moved: Graeme Seconded: Gerard Passed
WPA to negotiate with the Kapiti Pétanque Club re fee for use of their facilities.
Suggested that clubs in the Wellington region aim to raise $100 per club. The NZPA has set up a specific fundraising account.
The Manawatu Petanque Club is in recess. Hataitai to challenge Masterton in July. Khandallah need to be added to the end of the challenger's list (Peter Ball).
At the end of each game teams/players to sign scoresheet. An example of how to fill in the scoresheet to be displayed.
Investigate the cost of portable lighting
Brian W Smith