Daphne Hendrie & Janet Partridge (Hataitai)
Fay Doyle, Rex Hayes, Peter Ball (Kapiti)
Neil & Brenda Dykes, Michael Rocks, Dean Norman (Khandallah)
Graeme Morris, Ralph Priddle (Masterton)
Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue)
Tim Lovell-Smith (Silverstream)
Brian Smith & Dirk Winnie (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet (Wellington)
Lindsay & Lyn Skinner (Porirua)
Moved: Graeme. Seconded: Rex
No matters arising.
Report attached to Agenda
Interclub to have both a Doubles & Singles competition. Qualifying rounds and final
Doubles: 21st May, 18th June, 16th July
Singles: 6th August, 27th August, 10th September
To be held on 15th June. AGM followed by committee meeting. Notice of motion to change financial year to 31st December
Coaching Clinic: Provisional date 2nd/3rd September for holding one in Wellington.
Meeting discussed contribution to Park Avenue for use of their facilities for holding regional tournaments. No conclusion. To be discussed at the next committee meeting.
Urgent need for scoreboards at regional toumaments. Bay View sent us details of their scoreboards. Suggestion we make use of the bowling club scoreboards (Park Avenue).
Added in Interclub dates
Gerard raised some concerns about the standards of play. Rules are being broken. Peter Ball suggested having a Tournament Referee. Clubs to do their bit to ensure players know the rules.
Wellington: Informal
Park Avenue: Sun 1:00 pm
Khandallah: Wed 1:00 pm, Fri night 6:30 pm, Sat & Sun 1:00 pm
Silverstream: Sun 1:30 pm, Wed 1:30 pm, Fri 6:30 pm
Masterton: Sun 2:00 pm, Wed 6:00 pm
Kapiti: Mon 1:30 pm, Wed 6:30 pm, Thurs 1:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm
Hataitai: Wed 1:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm
Upper Hutt Tue 6:00 pm (daylight saving), Sun 1:30 pm