Daphne Hendre & Shiriey McCauley (Hataitai)
Fay Doyle & Rex Hayes (Kapiti)
Neil & Brenda Dykes, Michael Rocks (Khandallah)
Graeme Moms (Masterton)
Lindsay Skinner (Porirua)
Peter Berrill & Tim Lovell-Smith (Silverstream)
Brian Smith & Dirk Winnie (Upper Hutt)
Peter Evison (Wellington)
Ralph Priddle (Masterton), Gerard Pinguet (Wellington), Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue), Lyn Skinner (Porirua)
Moved: Graeme. Seconded: Lindsay
No matters arising.
Cheque Book as @ 31.3.99 $577.48
Revenue $2,627.63 (Revenue Budget for year $2,080.00)
Expenditure $1,483.77 (Expenditure Budgetfor year $1,245.00)
Cheque Book as @17.2.00 $1,721.34
Proposed change of format. Michael Rocks spoke to his proposal. Hataitai opposed to any change. Each club to discuss proposal with members. Any change to format would be at the end of the current round. To be put on the WPA Agenda for later meeting.
Proposal from Neil Dykes. Meeting discussed proposal but felt it was something individual clubs could do. Could be used for a National Petanque Open Day type of activity.
Proposed change of format. Dirk spoke to his proposal. Main points were:
Graeme spoke about the recent NZPA Open Doubles. A very successful tournament. Prize money essential for attracting overseas players. Prize money given by Auckland Region. Other regions need to consider assisting.
Moved: That the Wellington Pétanque Association contribute $100.00 towards the costs of holding the next NZPA Open Doubles tournament Moved: Graeme. Seconded: Brian. Motion passed.
WPA Triples Championships: 1st & 2nd April, Park Avenue. Two pool rounds and single elimination. Entry Form to be sent out in March.
Dates for WPA Championships to be set two weeks before NZPA Championships (set dates for WPA Championships at next meeting).
Meeting discussed performance of Wellington teams at national championships. Statistics show teams reaching the first stage of the elimination and then not many progressing further. What preparation could be done to assist teams? Suggested playing one or two preliminary tournaments before championships.
Add Khandallah Open doubles for ANZAC day, 25.4.00
List for distribution: Masterton, Porirua, Kapiti, Silverstream, Hataitai, Wellington, Upper Hutt
Wellington: Informal
Park Avenue: Sun 1:00 pm
Khandallah: Wed 1:00 pm, Fri night 6:30 pm, Sat & Sun 1:00 pm
Silverstream: Sun 1:30 pm, Wed 1:30 pm, Fri 6:30 pm
Masterton: Sun 2:00 pm, Wed 6:00 pm
Kapiti: Mon 1:30 pm, Wed 6:30 pm, Thurs 1:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm
Hataitai: Wed 1:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm
Upper Hutt: Wed 6:30 pm, Sun 1:30 pm