Phil Doyle (Hataitai)
Peter & Helen Ball (Kapiti)
Neil, Brenda & Gordon Dykes (Khandallah)
Barbara Whittington (Lower Hutt)
Graeme Morris (Masterton)
Tim Lovell-Smith & Peter Berrill (Silverstream)
Brian Smith & Dirk Winnie (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet (Wellington)
Ralph & Alison Priddle (Masterton), Don Pettett (Lower Hutt)
Moved: Peter; Seconded: Brenda
No matters arising.
So far a very successful tournament. 49 teams from 8 clubs participating. Agreed to start play at 12:00 noon for both days of Round (2).
Forms distributed. Previously agreed to $2.00 per club member to a maximum of $50.00 per club. Payment as soon as clubs know their membership numbers for this year.
Agreed to hold:
Brian to draw up proposed calendar and distribute with minutes.
Brian reported on the recent committee meeting. A NZPA Committee newsletter is to be sent to all members detailing the principal issues discussed. Clubs asked to distribute the newsletter to all pétanque players.
The following motion was put to the meeting: "That any person who wants to participate in any WPA or NZPA sanctioned tournaments must be a member of the NZPA" Moved: Graeme Seconded: Gerard. Passed. (Note: Will apply from the 1.4.99)
Brenda presented a plan to start pétanque in a number of Wellington schools. Meeting agreed she go ahead and make contact with the schools. WPA to assist as required.
Brian W Smith