Minutes of Committee Meeting, 7:30pm, 29 January 1998


Phil Doyle (Hataitai)
Peter Ball & Robyn Furner(Kapiti)
Neil & Brenda Dykes (Khandallah)
Don Pettett & Barbara Whittington (Lower Hutt)
Ralph Priddle (Masterton)
Trevor Smith (Porirua)
Leon Crosse & Peter Evison (Silverstream)
Brian Smith, Dirk Winnie (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet (Wellington)


Gary Wilson (Masterton).

Matters Arising from Minutes 9.10.97

WPA Interclub Triples: Enclose results with next Minutes. Committee thanked Brian for all the work put in.

WPA Doubles Championships 14 & 15 February 1998

WPA Triples Championships 21 & 22 March

Entry forms to be sent out after doubles. Closing date for registration: 11.2.98

Interclub competition for 1998

Dirk outlined the proposal

WPA Coaching Coordinator and Chief Arbiter

Meeting ratified Gerard for the above position.

Event calendar

Calendar updated. To be sent out ASAP.

NZPA Committee Meeting 31.1.98

NZPA has suggested Wellington should be better represented on the NZPA Committee. Meeting discussed possibility of putting up a candidate for President or Vice President. Suggested WPA could pay air fares to Auckland for 4 meetings per year.

NZPA Committee positions are voted for by those who attend the AGM. Suggested that postal voting should be allowed to enable all NZPA members to have a vote. Leon & Brian to put together remit for the 1998 AGM.

WPA Affiliation Fee

Meeting agreed to $2.00 per person. Because of the circumstances at Khandallah, Neil & Brenda would like Khandallah’s fee capped at $50.00.

General Business

Brian W Smith