Minutes of Committee Meeting, 7.30pm, 21 August 1997


Phil Doyle (Hataitai)
Peter & Helen Ball (Kapiti)
Neil & Brenda Dykes (Khandallah)
Don Pettett (Lower Hutt)
Ralph Priddle & Gary Wilson (Masterton)
Trevor Smith (Porirua)
Leon Crosse, Peter Evison & Richard Goodall (Silverstream)
Brian Smith (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet (Wellington)

WPA Doubles Tournament Sunday 7th, Park Avenue

WestpacTrust Games, Sunday 12th October, Park Avenue

WPA Promotion of Pétanque.

General discussion on what the WPA could do in the way of promotion and assisting clubs. Copies of the WPA brochure to be sent to clubs. Most of the clubs doing their own local promotion. Brenda discussed the Khandallah Club's marketing plan. Copies will be available. TV have made contact with Leon about pétanque. NewstalkZB still interested.

Interclub competition for next year (1998)

Event calendar

Calendar updated. Copies will be distributed to clubs. Decision made to hold Wellington Doubles and Triples Championships. Doubles 14 & 15th February. Triples 21st & 22nd March. Eurowine Doubles to become the Doubles Championships. Followup with Eurowine.

General Business

Auckland Pétanque Association

Minutes received.

Wellington Pétanque Club

Gerard brought everybody up to date on progress re. a new terrain. Lambton Harbour Management seem keen to set up a terrain behind the old ambulance station. Seatoun Bowling Club has put down a terrain. Gerard has been in touch with the Bowling Club.

Masterton Social event

Saturday night 20th September Masterton holding a "Allo Allo" party in their clubrooms (on Sunday 21st lnterclub Triples, Masterton).

Brian W Smith