Harry Clark & Peter Ball (Kapiti)
Don Pettett (Lower Hutt)
Leon Crosse & Peter Evison (Silverstream)
Graeme & Linda Millard (Upper Hutt)
Brian Smith (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet & Peter Denee (Wellington)
Jack Harris (Hataitai).
To be opened on Waitangi Day, 6th February. Official opening 2:00 pm. Interclub league round to be played.
World Champion, Marco Foyot to hold a coaching clinic 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Monday 10th February.
WPA to organise tournament. Sunday 9th March. Entry fee $10.00 per double. Rain day Sunday 16th March.
Last two rounds. 22.2.97 to be played at Masterton. Last round on 1.3.97 to be played Park Avenue.
The Charles Plimmer Park terrain is unplayable. Gerard has spoken to the Wellington City Council. Looking at Melrose Park. WCC prepared to spent money on another terrain. Claimed that the Charles Plimmer Park terrain was only temporary.
Brian W Smith