Brian Smith (Upper Hutt)
Leon Crosse (Silverstream)
Ralph Priddle, Gary Wilson (Masterton)
Harry Clark (Kapiti)
Don Pettett (Lower Hutt)
Peter Denee, Philippa Boy (Wellington)
Graeme & Linda Millard (Upper Hutt)
Nigel Spratt (Days Bay), Fiona Fowles (Kapiti).
The following clubs have entered teams (doubles): Masterton (2), Upper Hutt (2), Silverstream (1), Khandallah (2), Kapiti (1), Wellington (1)
Work has commenced and the terrain should be ready by the end of November. Hold tournament at end of January or early February?
The NZPA Executive rejected the idea of the WPA paying a capitation fee to the NZPA instead of individual membership. Participants in the National singles must be members of the NZPA. WPA asked to encourage all club members to join the NZPA.
NZPA talking to Air New Zealand and Pegueot re sponsorship.
Move: "That a cheque account with the BNZ, Upper Hutt be opened with the following two signatories: Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer. One other member of the committee to be an alternative signatory". Moved: Ralph Priddle, Seconded: Philippa Boy
Alternative signatory: Don Pettett
Club opening 1.12.1996, 2:00 pm
Glengarry Wines holding a pétanque day for their clients on 1.12.1996 (2:00 pm) at the Wellington Petanque Club terrain.
Upper Hutt to lend some money for the purchase of boule to use at corporate events and to hire to clubs (Upper Hutt currently owns 24 boule). Wellington Pétanque club to contribute $200 towards the cost. Boule to be held by the WPA. Clubs will be able to hire boule for corporate events and openings etc. Hire charge: $1.00 per boule plus freight.
Brian W Smith