Jack Harris (Hataitai)
Harry Clark, Fiona Fowles (Kapiti)
Jean Baine, Don Pettett (Lower Hutt)
Ralph Priddle, Graeme Morris (Masterton)
Leon Crosse, Peter Evison (Silverstream)
Peter Denee, Philippa Boy (Wellington)
Brian Smith (Upper Hutt)
Graeme and Linda Millard, Garry Wilson, Eric Ashton
Trial run for organising the national singles.
A letter has been sent to the NZPA seeking advice re sponsorship of the national singles, membership of the NZPA and the relationship with the Wellington Petanque Association.
The Wellington Petanque Club is running the petanque for these games. Peter has 36 doubles registered. The major problem is how to get enough boule. Peter contacting the French Embassy and Trustbank. Several offers to assist on the Sunday.
Brian W Smith