WPA Committee Meeting Minutes

Held on Thursday, 10 May 2018 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club


Graeme Millard

Club Delegates

Other Attendees

Noeline Corley (Secretary), Graeme Millard (President), Doc Murray (Upper Hutt), Jan Holloway (Horowhenua), Michael Rocks (Treasurer), Judy Stewart (Naenae).

Graeme welcomed all Delegates to the meeting. It was pleasing to have many representatives.


Val Clarke (Otaki).

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting held on 8 FEbruary 2018 were taken as read.

There was two corrections to the minutes.


Matters Arising

Thai Coach Visit

As a result from the Thai Coaching six regions attended. After the course of two days and two night’s tuition, as a result all received Level 1 FIPJP for coaches. There are now 2 in the WPA Region. Doc Murray is going to support Graeme Morris with Squad Coaching to enhance his coaching skills. This is reply for Upper Hutt Club seeking more advanced training for Doc. President Graeme congratulated all.

Horowhenua spoke of the success they had as hosts of the Thai Coaching. Fifty-five groups and individuals received the training. The inclement weather that upset air flights and the coaching schedule meant only 4 people could not attend. It was asked if Horowhenua were to receive a payment for hosting the tournament. Graeme Millard had not received as yet any information from Petanque New Zealand. Once this is received Graeme will further investigate if not forthcoming.

A discussion also took place on WPA payments for tournaments, it was viewed that it was difficult to locate on website. Michael to place the payment schedule in with WPA Hosting Requirements.

Graeme Morris, Seconded David Corley, Carried




Moved Noeline Corley, Graeme Millard

Treasurer’s Report

Financial Statement

Michael spoke to the statement.

Michael asked that a motion be put forward that WPA would donate to PNZ $1,000.00 towards the Thai Coach’s expenses.

Graeme Morris submitted the motion: WPA would donate to PNZ $1,000.00 towards the Thai Coach’s expenses. Seconded Graeme Millard, Carried.

Difficulties had again been experienced by Michael to close off the books. This is an approximate financial statement. Not all fee money had come in for WPA women’s tournaments. Graeme Morris to investigate and to coordinate the way money is transferred to Michael. All Clubs need to summit to Michael any other outstanding costs as soon as possible.

Tournament Sub-Committee Report

Graeme Morris read out the subcommittee report.

Michael asked if WPA is considering a change to the format of the Regional Championships following the PNZ decision to alter the National Championships. A short discussion took place with result that Graeme Morris and Claire Bradburn to send out a survey to all members whether they would like singles, doubles and triples held on a different format than at present. Graeme advised a survey is usually sent out every 3 years.

Graeme is negotiating dates with Hawke’s Bay for the Wellington-Hawke’s Bay Challenge.

Tri Star

WPA will be looking for club to host this tournament information to be sent out to clubs. The clubs will need to have at least 11 pistes. This will be held on the weekend of 24-25 of November 2018.

Chanticleer Cup

Weekend 25-26 August at Auckland. Graeme has conversed with Al and this tournament will now be timed. Graeme to forward further information regarding the format of play.

General Business

WPA Membership Requirements

Graeme Millard advised it had been bought to his attention that the letter sent by Barbara Whittington had not been replied to. The committee discussed this in depth with key points being that:

It was decided that until the new structure is introduced by PNZ that a letter composed by Graeme Morris and Noeline will respond to the 2016 letter in a positive manner.

Moved: Graeme Morris seconded Graham Hooper.


Graeme Millard asked about equipment owned by WPA as he was unsure of the chattels. Claire asked also of the where about the Club umpire kits. Michael and Graeme Morris were able to supply the details.

In Committee Discussion


Discussion points:

Michael was thanked by the committee for his time and effort to the website. However all tournament photographs should be forwarded to Michael so as everyone can see the successes of all grades of Pétanque and players in the Wellington, National areas.

Alan Taylor

A get well card to be sent to Alan after an accident at home with breaks in both legs.

Meeting closed 9.50 pm

Noeline Corley