- Welcome
- Apologies
- Confirmation of Minutes of 2017 Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, 17 June 2017
- President’s Report
- Financial Report
- Tournament Subcommittee Report (198kB)
- Election of Officers
- President
Nomination: Graeme Millard (Upper Hutt)
- Secretary
Nomination: Noeline Corley (Manawatu)
- Treasurer
As no nomination for Treasurer has been received by the closing date, nominations will be accepted from the floor.
- Appointments
- Tournament sub-committee
- Regional Coach and Selectors
- Setting of Affiliation Fees
That affiliation fees for the 2018-19 year be:
- Junior (under 23) member $2
- Life member $0
- Open/Senior member $2
Payment of affiliation fees to be paid on Club membership as at 31 August 2018, by 15 September 2018
Proposed by Michael Rocks, Treasurer.
- Tournament Entry Fees
That entry fees for 2018-19 be:
- Championship tournaments $10 per person (per day)
- Champion of Champions $5 per person
- One day events $10 per person
- Shooting competition $5 per person
- Pointing competition $5 per person
- Inter-club $10 per person
Proposed by Michael Rocks, Treasurer.
- Tournament/Event Payments
That events payments for 2018-19 be:
- WPA Committee meeting room hire - $20 per meeting
- WPA Tournament terrain hire
- Under 30 participants - $30 per day
- Between 31 and 60 participants - $60 per day
- Over 60 participants - $90 per day
- Inter-region matches - $60 per day
- Representative squad training - $20 per day
- Non-playing Umpire - $20 per day
- Regional Coach
- Inter-region match - $20 per playing day
- Representative squad training day - 30c/km travel allowance up to $100 per training day. Limited to 5 training days per year.
Proposed by Michael Rocks, Treasurer.
- General Business