Held on Thursday, 16 February 2017 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club
Kevin McFadgen
Carleen Fitzgerald (Horowhenua), Jo Maxwell (Kapiti), David Corley (Manawatu).
Enoka Smiler and Robyn Mann (Park Avenue).
The minutes of the last meeting held on 24 November 2016 were taken as read. Acceptance proposed by Kevin, seconded by Jo. Carried
Carleen asked if the Mana Club was up and running, Claire reported that the person taking responsibility for the club had had an accident so there was nothing happening at the moment. Possibly one or two players would join Silverstream.
Michael spoke to the Financial Statement that was previously distributed.
Acceptance moved by Kevin, seconded by Claire. Carried.
Claire reported that if the usual provider for trophies was not available the prices from another provider would be more expensive.
The tournament was played at Otaki. The winners were Ron Sandilands, Kevin Bryan and Ken Benn from the Manawatu Club.
The Representative report (198kB) was circulated earlier.
Graeme suggested canvasing players re Open Triples tournament whether it remain as a one day tournament or be a two-day tournament. Graeme will provide Michael with questions to put up on the website.
Kevin moved that the Report be accepted, seconded by David. Carried.
A discussion was held re expenses incurred by the Coach/Selector coaching the squad and attending tournaments.
It was moved that in future we reimburse the Coach for mileage to and from coaching venue at 30 cents per kilometre up to a maximum of $100 for up to 5 training days.
Moved Kevin and Claire seconded. Carried.
The position for Coach will be advertised, applicants will be interviewed and a recommendation will be put to the Committee at the April meeting.
No agreement made, deferred to next meeting.
Request from PNZ to change the WPA constitution. PNZ needs to rewrite their constitution before WPA change theirs.
Deferred to next meeting.
Michael suggested that photos be taken during Tournaments and sent to him. These would be used to advertise and promote Pétanque via the website.
There was a request for Tournament Director training. Graeme offered to show Upper Hutt how to run a Tournament.
Michael suggested a date be made to learn how to run a Tournament.
Nothing heard from Mana. However, the WPA does not have a formal process for clubs to join the WPA. Ideas were asked for from the meeting.
Meeting closed at 10:15 pm
Val Clark
Minute Secretary