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WPA Committee Meeting Minues

Held on Saturday, 12 September 2015 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club


Kevin McFadgen

Club Delegates

Other Attendees

Barbara Nicholls (Hataitai).


Noeline Corley (Manawatu), Jan Holloway (Horowhenua), Jo Maxwell (Kapiti)


Given by Kevin McFadgen.

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 11 July 2015 were taken as read. Acceptance proposed by Kevin, seconded Claire. Carried

Matters Arising




Treasurer's Report

Michael spoke to the Financial Statement. A quiet time of the year. Income from affiliation fees will appear next month. Acceptance moved by Kevin. Seconded by Claire. Carried.

Membership numbers

Park Avenue8-10
Upper Hutt54+6
Wanganui East32-5
Windy Hills60

Total membership is 349 a decline of 31 (8%) from last year.

Tournament Subcommittee report

Graeme gave a verbal report.

Representation Report

Graeme gave a verbal report on the Chanticleer Cup match.

General Business

Life Membership

Any Ordinary Member of not less than ten years membership who has rendered outstanding services to the Association may be elected as a Life Member. Life membership shall be conferred for outstanding service to the Association as an Ordinary member and not under any circumstances for any monetary consideration. Every proposal for life membership shall first be considered by the Management Committee and if approved by it, submitted to a ballot at a General Meeting. A nine-tenths majority of those Ordinary Members present and entitled to vote thereon shall be necessary to effect such election. A Life Member shall not be liable for payment of any annual affiliation fee. Unless and until otherwise determined by the Association in General Meeting there shall not be more than five Life Members at any one time.

Proposed by Michael Rocks and Kevin McFadgen.

After discussion the below amendment was raised:

Change “nine-tenths majority” to “four-fifths” and insert the word “living” into “there shall be no more than five Life Members”.

Moved Michael, seconded Doc. he amendment was carried.

The amended motion was then put and carried.

World Championship Team

Kevin has received a request from the Women’s World Championship team (Sharon Cannon, Christine Strichen and Claire Wilson) asking for support in their fundraising.

Moved Graeme, seconded Val that a sum of $200 per Wellington member of the team be granted from the Association’s funds.

The motion was carried. Michael abstained from the discussion and the vote.

Coaching Development

Sport Wellington is running a Coach Developer programme over the next 6 months. The meeting agreed in principle that should a WPA member wish to undertake such a course, then the WPA will reimburse the administration fee on completion of the course.

Next Meeting

Date and time to be confirmed. The location will be Kapiti.

Meeting closed at 11:32 am.

Michael Rocks
Acting Secretary