WPA Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 14 July 2012
at the Otaki Pétanque Club at 3:00 pm


The Chairman welcomed all members to the meeting.

Club Delegates


Beverley Mason (Kapiti), Kevin McFadgen (Kapiti), Kaye Alison (Kapiti), Annick Le Guen (Kapiti), Bob Horton (Upper Hutt), Yvonne Futcher (Wanganui East), Sue Gurr (Wanganui East), Tony Simpson (Wanganui East), Paul Anderson (Wanganui East), Richard Lawson (Hataitai), Jan McCarthy (Otaki), Clare Loman (Otaki), Gary Brunton(Otaki).


Apology received from Park Avenue Club Apologies accepted. Moved Colleen Horton/ Claire Bradburn

Confirmation of minutes

The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 9 June 2011, as circulated, were taken as read. Acceptance moved Margaret Mordecai/Richard Turfrey. Carried.

Matters Arising

Claire Bradburn asked where we are at with the purchase of the Shooting mats etc. Michael answered that the matter is in hand and the delay is due to the difficulties of the purchase being made overseas.

President's report

The President thanked the Treasurer and Secretary for their services throughout the year. He explained that he has now taken a position on the board of the PNZ and is therefore relinquishing his position on the WPA. He talked about opportunities for sponsorship and ways of promoting the sport. He suggested that ideas for this should be brought forward by all and not just left to committee members. He stated that the Strategic committee set up previously has not really gone anywhere and should be looked at again by the incoming committee. He would like to see a closer relationship developed between the PNZ and the WPA. He finished by saying he had enjoyed his time as President and had made many new friends.

Graeme Morris proposed a vote of thanks to Richard. Seconded by Kath Alison. Carried by all.

Financial report

Financial statements were circulated to Clubs prior to the meeting. Michael reminded those present that the last two financial years were of different lengths and this should be noted when making comparisons as this has an effect on tournament costs and takings and also on affiliation fee collection. Michael indicated that as we have a surplus this year, and our aim is not to make money, he intended to put a proposal that affiliation fees for this year be reduced. Michael then proposed that his report be accepted and this was seconded by Claire Bradburn. Carried.

Graeme Morris asked about the money in the Travel Fund. Michael explained that the travel fund was voted out of existence in 2003. Travel assistance has since been voted out also. Claire Bradburn then asked about the 20%? Michael again stated travel assistance is no longer available, the process has lapsed and it was voted out at a previous meeting.

Tournament Sub-Committee Report

Graeme Morris presented his report verbally. He stated that the year had followed the format previously agreed upon and everything went well. The Women’s Singles had a good number of entries and the Interclub tournament ran well. The decision to cancel one round due to an inclement weather forecast proved to be a wise one. Invitations to host tournaments in the coming months have been sent out and most Clubs have accepted. The Jacques Coch Trophy challenges seem to be working well.

Graeme raised the need to have some mechanism to capture financial members throughout the year as there is currently no register of those who join part way through the year and therefore no affiliation fees are paid for them till the beginning of the next year. Bev Morris asked do the Clubs provide a list of members to the WPA and Michael Rocks replied that a list is required when affiliation fees are paid to establish information re age etc for tournaments.

Umpire’s Report

As there was no Umpires representative at the meeting, no report was received.

Setting of Affiliation Fees

Michael proposed that affiliation fees be reduced to $2.00 for all. Graeme Morris expressed concern re the ability to put the fees up again at a later date. Michael explained that we do not have many expenses to pay, mainly hall hire for meetings and website costs and we have money in the bank. Graeme then suggested that we could leave the fees at $5.00 but give a rebate this year. Myles Cowper then suggested that we could decide on something to do with any excess money. Liz Rocks then asked is that a reason to reinvigorate the Strategic Planning group?

The Treasurer then put three motions to the meeting.

Affiliation Fees

The affiliation fees to remain as –

For the 2012-2013 season, a $3 rebate will be applied to all senior and open members. Seconded by Kath Alison. Carried.

Electonic Payments

That the Treasurer liaise with our suppliers to investigate the use of Direct Debits for the payment of regular expenses. Seconded by Richard Turfrey. Carried

Internet Banking

That the Treasurer investigate Internet banking options for the WPA. Seconded by Sue Gurr. Carried

Election of Officers

As no other nominations were received the following were elected:


Kevin McFadgen nominated by Richard Turfrey/Khandallah Club.


Colleen Horton nominated by Claire Bradburn/Richard Turfrey


Michael Rocks nominated by Richard Turfrey/Colleen Horton

General Business

Meeting locations

Sue Gurr asked if committee meeting could be held in the north of the region in future and also be held in the daytime where possible. She explained that night travel to meetings was not a good option. To be looked at by the incoming committee.

Junior Boules

Graeme Morris explained how the Junior Petanque sets purchased last year are being utilised. Both the Masterton area and Avalon School have used the boules for Junior promotions. Michael suggested that we send some information to Four Winds outlining the use the sets are being put to as this may assist with any further requests for funds.

Club Contacts

The secretary should request from all clubs an update of all their current office holders. Clubs should also be asked to send to the Secretary a copy of the information sent to PNZ as per their recent request for club information.

Representative grants

Claire Bradburn requested that the incoming committee should look at forming a group to investigate gathering funds for representative travel, both Regional and National.

Meeting closed at 3:50 pm

Colleen Horton