The Chairman welcomed all members to the meeting.
Barbara Frampton (Otaki), Jack Gazzard (Kapiti), Gwen Hill (Umpires' Representtaive), Bob Horton (Upper Hutt), Beverley Mason (Kapiti), Doc Murray (Upper Hutt), Michael Rocks (Khandallah), Dave Wilmshurst (Upper Hutt).
Catherine Maher (Hataitai), Margaret Mordecai (Otaki), Ralph Priddle (Masterton), apology received on behalf of Horowhenua Club, Kevin McFadgen (Kapiti). Apologies accepted. Moved Colleen Horton/ Claire Bradburn.
The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 4th March 2010, as circulated, were taken as read. Acceptance moved Graeme Morris/Gwen Hill. Carried.
No matters arising.
The President’s report was taken as read. Acceptance moved Margret Fleck/Gwen Hill. Carried Graeme expressed the thanks of the group to Richard for his year as President.
A draft of the report was circulated to Clubs prior to the meeting and a full copy was distributed at the meeting. Michael reminded those present that the year was from January 2010 to April 2011 inclusive, a period of 16 months. Acceptance Moved by Michael Rocks/Richard Turfrey. Carried.
The report (208kB) was circulated prior to the meeting. Graeme informed the meeting that another page had been added and this outlined Player Participation for the 2010/2011 year. Acceptance moved by Colleen Horton/Gwen Hill.
Richard questioned the Sub Committee regarding the selection of venues for tournaments.
Gwen Hill spoke to the report and announced that the position she has held will now be taken over by Jack Gazzard. Acceptance moved by Richard Turfrey/Claire Bradburn. Carried
As no other nominations were received the following were elected:
Richard Turfrey nominated by Graeme Morris/Margret Fleck.
Colleen Horton nominated by Bev Mason/Claire Bradburn
Michael Rocks nominated by Graeme Morris/Jack Gazzard.
Richard Turfrey raised the selection of players for Senior TriStar, Transtasman and Chanticleer.
Players wish to how the selection process works and what is required to be considered. The selection process needs to be clearly documented.
Richard put a motion: “That there be a review of the selection process and a better method of communication be developed.” Seconded by Margret Fleck.
Liz Rocks questioned why the WPA does not request that Clubs put forward an application if they wish to hold major events. Richard explained the actions of the PNZ in this matter and said he went to a PNZ meeting to put forward the views of the Wellington Region clubs.
Action Point: Richard to send an email to all clubs asking if they wish to express an interest in holding the next Trans Tasman tournament and Chanticleer Cup both of which are to be held in the Wellington Region.
Graeme Morris is to coordinate and prepare a questionnaire to go to all Clubs asking about the type of tournaments they would like to hold in the coming year.
There was a discussion around the giving of grants to players selected for national and international tournaments and it was decided this discussion should be moved to the next committee meeting of the WPA. Michael then proposed that the Affiliation Fees for the year ended 30th May 2012 be set at $5.00 per member for all Open and Senior players and $2.00 for Junior players (under 20years). To be paid by 30th August 2011. Acceptance moved by Michael Rocks/Brian Frampton.
Michael Rocks put forward the motion – That the WPA makes a $500 contribution to fly Rachel Gorniot and Nico Toyne to Auckland for a weekend intensive coaching session with Andre Noel and Georgio Vakauta. Seconded by Brian Frampton. Michael explained the money is available within the Coaching Budget. The vote was carried, with Richard Turfrey abstaining.
Jack Gazzard questioned his appointment as Umpires Representative and asked was this an elected position. Gwen explained that he had been given to mandate by the regional Umpires Group. The position was endorsed by Graeme Morris and seconded by Claire Bradburn.
It is to be noted that the dates for the Women’s Doubles has been changed to 12th November 2011 and the Women’s Triples to 13th November 2011.
Michael Rocks put forward a motion- That we develop a Regional Shooting and Pointing Competition to be held annually. Seconded by Margret Fleck. It was felt that this would assist in promoting these skills and would be an asset to the calendar.
An amendment to the motion was that this would be a Regional Championship but would not result in the issuing of a shirt. Carried.
Meeting closed at 9:50pm.
Colleen Horton