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WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 21 July 2011
at the Kapiti Pétanque Club at 7:30 pm

Club Delegates


Kath Alison (Kapiti), Kaye Alison (Kapiti), Bob Horton (Upper Hutt), Michael Rocks (Khandallah).


Margret Fleck (Hataitai), Jack Gazzard (Umpire's representative), Margaret Mordecai (Otaki), Brian Frampton (Otaki), Windy Hills.

Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting held 14 April were taken as read. Small alteration made to representative for Kapiti. Acceptance moved by Colleen Horton, seconded Claire Bradburn.

Matters Arising






Michael proposed that the WPA President speak to the corresponding person on the APA and formalise some rules for the match. Seconded by Kath Alison.

Treasurer's Report

Michael has received membership returns from Kapiti, Khandallah, Manawatu, Upper Hutt and Windy Hills. Based on these five returns, we are looking at a membership drop of between 5 and 15%. Given the drop in affilitiation numbers, the budget will not be set until all membership returns have been received. Fees have been received from Khandallah, Manawatu, Upper Hutt and Windy Hills.

Tournament Subcommittee

Announcement of venues

Subcommittee report headed Tournament Organisation for 2011 - 2013 Seasons has been circulated. Claire reported on the financial side of tournaments. Discussion was held around the presentation of trophies and how far we go with them. Much discussion followed around the whole paper. Michael proposed that we hold another meeting in four weeks time to re-discuss the Organisation paper re tournament structure and make some final decisions. Seconded by Richard.

NB: Secretary to send a letter to Barbara Johnston in response to her letter.

Umpire's report

No report at this time.

Constitution, Meetings, Remits and Proposals

Richard noted that there is a need for the committee to be aware of the Constitution when making remits and proposals. It was pointed that that this only applies to the AGM, not general committee meetings.

General Business

Travel Fund

A paper has been circulated to all Clubs re the travel fund. The Treasurer has proposed a change to the disbursement process. Proposal put by Michael, seconded by Richard. The vote was 3 For and 4 Against.

Chanticleer Cup

To be held August 20th/21st at Kapiti. Need to put on a good show for the Aucklanders. Kath assured that this would be achieved. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

Selection process for training grants

Claire suggested there should be a process for people to apply for training grants. Secretary was asked to apply to Sport Wellington for suggestions on who to approach to see how other organisations do this.

Team Selection

Michael asked who is responsible for team selection and how is this done. Dirk Winnie to be approached to bring something to the next meeting.

Meeting closed at 10:20 pm.

Colleen Horton