Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 19 February 2009 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club


Claire Bradburn (Chair), Owen Davie (Secretary), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Margret Fleck, Catherine Maher, Maureen Wood
Horowhenua -
Kapiti - Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Fay Doyle, Gwen Hill, Beverley Mason, Peter Williams
Khandallah - Elizabeth Rocks, Michael Rocks
Manawatu -
Masterton - Graeme Morris, Ralph Priddle
Otaki - Gary Brunton, Bob Wilde
Park Avenue - Robin Mann
Silverstream - Tim Lovell-Smith
Upper Hutt - Colleen Horton, Elaine Hunt, Kathy Taylor
Wanganui East - see apologies
Windy Hills - Myles Cowper


Dirk Winnie (Khandallah), Jan McHardy (Kapiti), Barrie Sinclair (Manawatu), Alison Priddle (Masterton), Enoka Smiler (Park Avenue), Bill Lidstone (Horowhenua), Richard Turfrey (Wanganui East).

Minutes of the 2008 AGM

The Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 21 February 2008, as circulated, were taken as read (moved Brian Smith/seconded Fay Doyle). Carried.

An email received from Dirk Winnie advised that the minutes were in error in recording that Dirk spoke in favour of raising both the affiliation fee and the tournament fee. In fact, Dirk spoke in favour of raising the affiliation fee, but not the tournament fee. It was moved Graeme Morris/seconded Fay Doyle, that with this amendment the minutes were a true and correct record. Carried.

President's Report

After reading her report the President moved that it be adopted, seconded Gwen Hill. Carried.

Treasurer's Report

Brian Smith presented the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008. The Association broke even with a surplus of $25. The increase in affiliation fees in 2007 had proved necessary to help balance the books. The WPA gave a $200 subsidy each to players from the region who competed in the Trans Tasman Tournament and to Barbara Johnston who represented New Zealand at the Women's World Championships. Umpires' costs to WPA tournaments were met along with a 28c per kilometre travel subsidy.

Brian Smith moved that the Financial Report be approved. Seconded Ralph Priddle. Carried.

Fay Doyle moved a vote of thanks to Brian. Seconded Kath Alison. Carried

Affiliation Fee

Brian Smith moved that the fee for 2009 remain at $5. Seconded Liz Rocks. Carried.


The following remits were received:

Regional Awards

That the WPA establishes a series of awards to recognise and celebrate success within the region. Suggested awards are:

Moved Michael Rocks/seconded Brian Smith

A vote was taken with 8 Clubs in favour and 1 Club opposed - Passed.

Regional Awards Ceremony

That the WPA stages an awards ceremony to be held at the conclusion of the season (April/May). As well as the presentation of the above awards, the Championship winners from the previous season should be presented with their championship shirts.

Moved Michael Rocks/seconded Beverley Mason

Michael explained that the focus of the function would be social instead of the normal gathering for competition. Fay Doyle commented that the support of all Clubs would be needed to make it a success.

At the vote, 8 Clubs were in favour with 1 Club opposed - Passed.

Changes to the WPA Constitution


A non-incorporated group is not allowed to become a member of an Incorporated Society. Therefore, it is proposed to make the following changes below to section 4 - Membership.

Insert a new section (see below) before 4 - Membership - and renumber all following sections and all references to existing clauses that are greater than 4.

4 - Affiliated Clubs
4.1 Affiliated Clubs will be those pétanque clubs that apply to be Affiliated Clubs in such form and accompanied by such fees as are determined in accordance with clause 8, and are accepted by the Management Committee as Affiliated Clubs.

Modify the new section 5 - Membership

There shall be the following classes of membership -
5.1 Ordinary Members
5.2 Life Members
5.3 Honorary Members
5.4 Associate Members

Modify the new section 6.1

Members of Clubs affiliated to the WPA shall automatically become Ordinary Members of the WPA unless otherwise determined under Section 6.2 of these rules.

Moved Michael Rocks/ seconded Graeme Morris

Michael explained that two clubs, Upper Hutt and Windy Hills, are not incorporated as they are not part of an incorporated body such as a bowling club. The remit tidies up the legal requirement by shifting where Club appears in the Constitution so that Upper Hutt and Windy Hills do not need to incorporate to legally remain affiliated to the WPA. Brian Smith explained that the WPA is incorporated and for Upper Hutt or Windy Hills to do so would require a notice with 15 signatures to be sent to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies together with a cheque for $365. Claire said that the Constitution needs to be gone through to achieve consistency in references to membership.

An amendment to the remit was put: "That throughout the Constitution the definition of membership be clarified to meet the proposed change". Moved Claire Bradburn/seconded Brian Smith.

The remit, with the amendment, was passed.

Standing Orders

That the WPA adopts a set of Standing Orders.

If this motion is passed, then it should be added to the Constitution as Section 15.3

  1. That the rules set out in bold type in Members' Meetings by Mark von Dadelszen be adopted as Standing Orders of the WPA.
  2. That the WPA Secretary purchases a copy of Members' Meetings by Mark von Dadelszen.

Moved Michael Rocks/seconded Kathy Taylor

Michael advised that the Standing Orders provided a way to run a meeting and offered protection that correct procedures are followed. This book was taken as the model because at $29.95 it was a lot cheaper than others on the subject.

Claire commented that the WPA already operated under Standing Orders. It was just that they are not included in the Constitution.

A vote was taken with all Clubs represented in favour - Passed.

Cheque Signatories

At the last WPA Committee Meeting (13 November 2008) the Committee was advised that only 1 signatory was required on the Association's cheque book. In which case new section 20.1 needs to be updated to reflect actual practice by removing the words "countersigned by one other member of the Management Committee" from the text:

The control and investment of the funds of the WPA shall be with the Committee. Banking operations on the WPA's account shall be carried out by the Treasurer and all cheques drawn on or withdrawals from WPA funds shall be operated upon under the signature of the Treasurer countersigned by one other member of the Management Committee.

Moved Michael Rocks/seconded Graeme Morris

Michael said that the number of cheques were declining and that perhaps a direct debit arrangement could be set up at the bank for regular accounts. Internet banking might also be an option. Brian Smith advised that internet banking would be uneconomic for a small organisation the size of the WPA.

A discussion took place as to whether 2 signatories were necessary. Most cheques drawn are for small amounts of around $5 and it was felt that 2 signatories were not required at this level. The cost of purchasing each new trophy was $450 to $500 and 2 signatories would provide greater protection to the WPA for higher amounts. A record of cheques drawn, whether for a large amount or small, would be presented to the next WPA meeting for ratification.

The amended motion was put that the following words be inserted to follow under the signature of the Treasurer:

For withdrawals by cheque or another mechanism over the value of $500, be countersigned by another member of the Management Committee and for amounts less than $500 be at the sole discretion of the Treasurer.

Moved Myles Cowper/seconded Tim Lovell-Smith.

The remit, with the amendment, was passed.

Election of Officers

Claire advised that the WPA Constitution requires written nominations from member Clubs. Some nominations had been received by email, but from individuals, and could not be considered. As a result, nominations were taken from the floor and one member only from each Club could vote.


Claire Bradburn (nominated Masterton/seconded Silverstream). Nominations were declared closed and Claire Bradburn was elected President for the coming year.


Beverley Mason (nominated Kapiti/seconded Silverstream). Nominations were declared closed and Beverley Mason was elected Secretary for the coming year.


Brian Smith (nominated Kapiti/seconded Silverstream) and Michael Rocks (nominated Khandallah/seconded Masterton). A vote was taken and Michael Rocks was declared elected Treasurer for the coming year.

Claire Bradburn moved a vote of thanks to Brian Smith. Carried.

Graeme Morris moved a vote of thanks to Owen Davie (the previous Secretary). Carried.

General Business

There were no items of General Business

The meeting concluded at 9:10pm.

Beverley Mason