Claire Bradburn (Chair), Margret Fleck (Secretary)
Hataitai - Margret Fleck
Horowhenua - no representative
Kapiti - Beverley Mason
Khandallah - Elizabeth Rocks, Michael Rocks, Dirk Winnie
Manawatu - see apologies
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki - see apologies
Park Avenue - Enoka Smiler
Silverstream - Tim Lovell-Smith
Upper Hutt - Bob Horton, Colleen Horton
Wanganui East - see apologies
Windy Hills - see apologies
Umpires' Representative - Gwen Hill
Myles Cowper (Windy Hills), Fay Doyle (Kapiti), Steve Frampton (Manawatu), Margaret Mordecai (Otaki), Dick Patston (Otaki), Richard Turfrey (Wanganui East). Moved - Carried
The minutes of the meeting on 24 September 2009 were taken as read and approved.
Moved C Horton, seconded G Hill. Carried.
Khandallah engraving up to date. Engraving costs $5 per club per entry. Cooks Super Trophies did a special deal to re-do engraving. Discussion about costs of engraving - noted that one club had engraved out of order.
Action point: Claire Bradburn to go back to clubs to check engraving costs.
Graeme Morris noted that this came from his earlier coaching proposal, which has been superseded by the joint coaching sessions. Amount of money was no longer applicable, as he is no longer PNZ regional coach having resigned two months previously. Recommended the WPA be involved in the replacement process, with some moves in this area expected in the next few weeks.
Discussion about contacting PNZ regarding Graeme's resignation and involvement of WPA in the process of recruiting a replacement. Also feedback provided on coaching sessions conducted by Graeme, Dirk Winnie and Myles Cowper.
Only Colleen Horton (Upper Hutt) responded, Masterton voted against the awards.
Inwards received and outwards approved - moved M Rocks/E Smiler
Concern about a book being added to the WPA constitution. Feeling that people wanted guidance but not necessarily that items needed to be added to the constitution. Discussion about Mark von Dadelsen's book. Claire wrote to the author regarding the motion regarding standing orders that was passed at the last WPA AGM. Author suggested adopting his book as a non-constitutional document which would make changes easier. Claire intends to put forward a resolution at the next AGM, reverse the previous AGM's resolution and adopt standing orders outside the constitution.
A report was sent out to clubs, both detailed and simplified. Michael Rocks provided an update, as a new invoice had been received.
Couple of issues were identified - RWT exemption certificate had been received. Can only claim RWT from when exemption certificate came into effect from 18 September.
Purchasing - a number of people have been asking to spend money on behalf of WPA. Need to ensure that a purchase number or order number is issued from the WPA Treasurer to ensure there are sufficient funds to cover expenses. Discussion about use of purchase orders.
Concern raised about the costs incurred without advising the Treasurer. Belief that the amount of money being spend is out of proportion, e.g. $116 spent on representative shirts. Noted that no budget been set for a lot of the items raised. Claire asked that the cost of representation be looked at as a separate issue.
Further issue about increased payments to clubs for hosting when Michael took over as Treasurer. Liz Rocks objected to comments and asked for evidence that Michael was personally responsible for increasing payments to clubs. Liz responded that Claire's comments sounded like a personal attack on Michael. Claire discussed increased spending and process for tournament entries on behalf of tournament sub-committee. Noted that certificates have been used, which has reduced costs.
Regional doubles costs for income and trophies discussed, including expenditure and return. Graeme Morris talked about the subcommittee and the level of awards that are required. He also re-visited matter of representative shirts. Noted that new players would need new shirts and it wasn't known from team-to-team how many new shirts would be needed.
Further discussion regarding payments and precedents for payments. Noted that WPA needed to be a bit more transparent and need approval for money being spent.
Tournament cost breakdown - needs to be a review of how this is done and some guidance provided around ratio of entries to expenditure for the sub-committee.
Enoka Smiler raised issue of costs of trophies ($637) and that he thought the costs was way too high for the income. A breakdown of costs was provided.
Action point: Tournament subcommittee look at proposal for next WPA meeting on trophies.
Michael said that at the AGM, he would be proposing a motion to change the financial year back to 1 May to 31 April, which will capture all the costs for the season. Means the AGM, instead of being in February, will be need to within three months of the end of the financial year. Enquiry made about whether the PNZ is now working at a year's activity rather than a calendar year. Dirk said they are looking towards working on a season.
Michael asked that accounts that are listed in the report be paid along with A1 Embroidery invoice. Claire asked that she be removed from payment for any umpiring. Beverly Mason asked about differences regarding women?s doubles tournament. Michael explained the difference in costs and organisation.
Moved that accounts be paid: M Rocks/T Lovell-Smith.
Contingent Liabilities - discussion about facilities hire provision. Coaching co-ordinators provision has been withdrawn. WPA representative subsidy provision - relating to $200 payment for national representative group which was agreed to be paid at the Kapiti WPA meeting in April, which is waiting till the end of season for payment. Moved that accounts be paid: M Rocks/T Lovell-Smith.
Claire reported back on sub-committee meeting. Agreed that the chair of the sub-committee would be the WPA president. The committee was not a defacto management committee. Noted that Fay Doyle had sent out a request for information about club details.
Action point: Not all clubs had received the request, C Bradburn to follow-up with F Doyle.
Work to consolidate club demographics, looking at getting a flier prepared. Michael to meet with Kiwisport.
Claire followed-up with College Sport Wellington. E-mail from College Sport read out regarding inability to run a local event. Reasons were timing, schools' access to club facilities, and other options. Claire advised that was where the strategic planning group was at.
Discussion from previous meeting's about the WPA awards and whether they should continue. Only one response received (Upper Hutt), who suggested reducing the number of awards. Graeme said that Masterton did not support the awards. Poor response from clubs noted.
Michael responded this may be because of the way the clubs were asked to comment and that not all clubs attend meetings, as well as minutes not coming out until sometime after the meeting. Suggested it was an odd way of doing things especially as it only costs WPA a very a small amount of money and has potential to be built upon.
Discussion about PNZ awards and a suggestion that PNZ focus on running national awards rather than regional ones. Michael thought it was reasonable that WPA continue to run the awards and suggested that WPA should have written to the clubs rather than attaching a request for comment on the WPA meeting agenda.
Further discussion about the awards and development of an awards evening as a social event. Idea of awards ceremony raised again - acceptance that an award ceremony would be a good idea. Michael moved that WPA continue with awards ceremony, it be reviewed in 2011, that clubs not be contacted and a decision made by the WPA. Noted that Sport Wellington congratulated WPA for having an awards programme and it would look stupid to can it. Vote for Michael Rocks' motion - 5 for, 1 against.
Timeframe to hold prize giving for all the trophies for all the events discussed. Suggestion that a small group get together to organise an event.
Action point: E Rocks to head-up committee to organise awards ceremony event and co-op others from the WPA.
Work is in progress. Leon Cross to talking to Telstra. Michael is planning exit strategy.
Committee frequently communicates by e-mail. Many tournaments completed apart from WPA Open Triples and Senior Doubles.
One aspect of WPA doubles tournament was that barrage was played from the start. Overall feedback was that concept was good. The draw ended up with every team playing a semi-final, which may have resulted in more people being around for the finals. Graeme noted that at the women's world championships the Swiss draw was played and he was interested in looking at how the Swiss draw works. Dirk suggested WPA not ready for the Swiss draw yet. Noted that members could see where they were going with the barrage draw. Further discussion about the format.
Michael asked questions about formats - talked about the regional subcommittee running five tournaments with different formats. Wanted to know if the subcommittee had made a decision about the format or if the experiment is continuing? Dirk responded that format depends on the number of entries and the subcommittee looking at becoming more cut-throat. Michael asked if this proposal from the subcommittee had been circulated amongst players and if there was any formal feedback. Noted that WPA needs to be aware while it is nice to have a regional championship, it is also trying to encourage people to participate.
Claire responded that questionnaire provided for women's singles, and that they were happy with the format for that. Michael asked are we achieving what we want to when changing a format. Noted that entries for all WPA events are in decline. Discussion about why people are not entering events and overall decline in numbers, including open events vs. women's events. Michael asked if next tournament subcommittee report (after discussions about expenditure), what their plan is for regional championships including formats and tournament entry forms to state type of format. Need to get feedback from players as to types of events being run and whether it satisfies their needs.
Graeme noted that tournaments have moved away from the snake format - and trying to do that nationally. Michael asked that the tournament subcommittee make their reasons for not using the snake format more widely known and what is the relevance of a pool when using a barrage format and use of seeding.
Dirk responded regarding communication and Michael asked for a more formal report as to what their plans are, feedback for format changes, why it is been done and what is trying to be achieved. Graeme noted what the objectives for doing this were i.e. to get the players more focused and to get the region back where it was. Suggested that information be posted on the website or on the WPA newsletter.
Michael asked about Dirk's paper regarding inter-regional events and wanted to know what the WPA is doing about it. Dirk pointed out the paper did not go to the WPA formally and stated it that the paper was related to the PNZ. Michael asked if WPA is going to respond to it. Graeme Morris talked about it being good if we could get the support of the region.
Action point: D Winnie's paper to be sent out to clubs for feedback.
Gwen showed new umpiring kit, received from the PNZ. Discussion about kit contents and Claire suggested a letter of thanks be sent to the PNZ. Further discussion about the contents of the kits and funding for the kits after costings were completed.
PNZ distributed six kits to the areas, and four more were available for sale for $150 each, with more to produced if required. Suggested as an idea to offer the kits to clubs and they be supplied to regional umpires and funding for kits from a trust. Future kits may be a bit more costly, as items were provided at mate's rates.
Discussion about purchasing kits for each of the regional umpires. M Rocks moved a motion that another kit be purchased, seconded by C Bradburn - carried.
Gwen discussed use of regional and club umpires at all WPA events, and some club events. Recognised that if using a club umpire then regional playing umpire needs to be working with them. People still awaiting opportunity to do the practical exam. Suggest that letter be sent to PNZ for some way to progress their umpires from club level to regional level.
Action point - letter to be sent to PNZ regarding club umpires.
Discussion about a ruling regarding to where the status of the coch, when it is thrown to the end of the piste (not the sides) and it is on the line. Gwen has e-mailed Barbara Whittington for a definitive ruling on the matter.
Announcement that Graeme Morris had resigned as regional coach. Discussion about the need to strengthen this area through achievement and increased commitment. A number of sessions have been run, including open sessions, which included exercises for players to work on. Gwen asked about the $5 charge for coaching, how much has been collected and what the money will be used for. Dirk replied that around $800 had been collected and it will be used to assist with travel costs for representative teams. He also noted that it was a players' co-operative and can't expect others to benefit from it. Roll taken at trainings and who has paid. Graeme noted that neither himself, Dirk Winne or Myles Cowper has jurisdiction over the costs. Helen-Mary Foley and Jan McHardy are account signatories and it is an independent fund.
Discussion about PNZ board meetings and open forums. Strategy and planning day on 4 December in Auckland, with Sport Auckland facilitating. Graeme is putting together six shooting kits, for distribution around the regions.
Liz asked about skills assessment for the shooting competition for the women and why aren't the same standards being used. Graeme responded that Liz's question needed to be put to the National Director of Coaching and National Director of Representation. Suggested that it was a topic that may come up as part of the review at the end of the two-year period for the selection process. Liz asked if the result of the review would be on the PNZ agenda and if the review would be published. Further discussion about PNZ communications and articles about the board members will be appearing in the next PNZ magazine.
Noted that Paul O'Connor has resigned from the PNZ board. Tim Lovell-Smith asked about the contents of the shooting kits. Graeme explained the contents and how the kits were put together. Dirk advised the PNZ minutes should be on the PNZ website.
Report provided by Kapiti representative.
“That the AGM date be confirmed as Thursday 18 February 2010.”
Claire proposed that AGM be held after play on 23 January 2010 at the Kapiti Open. Michael opposed the motion and explained why. Claire responded saying travel would be involved, and the proposal would reduce travel for clubs such as Masterton and Kapiti. Dirk supported Michael, as after playing a tournament, he wouldn't be attending the meeting. Michael Rocks put forward a motion for Khandallah to hold the AGM on Thursday 18 February. Moved M Rocks/G Morris.
Further discussion about Claire's availability during February and need to have officers present for the meeting. Michael noted that the proposed date was one year since the previous AGM and there was precedent to hold the meeting on the third Thursday in February. Vote - in favour of the motion: Masterton; against: Upper Hutt, Silverstream, Park Ave; abstain: Kapiti. Motion failed.
A new date of 4 March proposed for the AGM. Moved E Smiler/G Morris. Vote - in favour: Masterton, Upper Hutt, Silverstream, Park Ave, Hataitai; against: Khandallah. Motion carried.
“That the WPA not to pay cash prizes for tournaments unless the event is an open tournament where prize money is offered”
Moved MR/TL-S
Michael Rocks lead discussion and suggested that if WPA was going to pay cash prizes for events, it must be very careful of how events are run including the format. Vote - in favour 5, against: 0, abstain: 0. Motion carried.
“That the WPA not to conduct a Winter Doubles series of tournaments in 2010”
Moved MR/TL-S
Michael lead discussion and put forward a couple of reasons for the motion, suggesting that the off-season could be used to plan for future seasons. Further suggestion that rather than the WPA running it, one of the clubs could possibly run it. The tournament was a focus for individuals and not really a WPA priority. Vote - in favour 5; against: 0; abstain: 1. Motion carried.
Action point - As event is not going to be run by the WPA, put it out to the clubs to see if a club wishes to pick-up as an event to run.
Meeting closed 10:08 pm
Margret Fleck