WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 13 November 2008
at the Kapiti Pétanque Club at 7:30 pm


Claire Bradburn (Chair), Owen Davie (Secretary), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Margret Fleck
Horowhenua - Bill Lidstone
Kapiti - Kath Alison, Kaye Alison, Gwen Hill, Beverley Mason, Jan McHardy, Pat Scholes
Khandallah - Michael Rocks
Manawatu - Steve Frampton
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki - Gary Brunton, Bob Wilde
Park Avenue - Enoka Smiler
Silverstream - Claire Bradburn
Upper Hutt - see apologies
Wanganui East - Richard Turfrey
Windy Hills - Myles Cowper
PNZ LNI Representative - Fay Doyle


Kathy Taylor (Upper Hutt), Barrie Sinclair (Manawatu), Dirk Winnie (Khandallah), Ralph Priddle (Masterton).

The motion was put that the apologies be accepted (Jan McHardy/Richard Turfrey). Carried.

Confirmation of the Previous Minutes

Fay Doyle advised of a correction to page 4 (Tournament Sub-Committee) - the winners of the WPA Senior Doubles and WPA Women's Singles tournaments also received the special shirts.

Michael Rocks advised of a correction to page 6 (Coaching Subcommittee). The coaches in the region met but had no desire to establish a subcommittee.

The motion was put that the minutes as amended be confirmed (Jan McHardy/Richard Turfrey). Carried .

Matters Arising from the Minutes

Covered in Agenda items.


  1. Minutes of Special General Meeting of PNZ held on 14 September 2008.
  2. Letter dated 30 October 2008 from Sport Wellington, inviting a representative from the WPA to attend a SPARC Presentation on 17 November 2008.
  3. Letters dated 18 September 2008 from Kath and Kaye Alison and 10 October 2008 from Rex Hayes, and an undated letter from Claire Bradburn - expressing thanks for $100 donation in each case towards personal expenses in representing New Zealand in the Trans-Tasman Tournament in Christchurch in 2008.

The motion was put that the correspondence be received (Fay Doyle/Richard Turfrey). Carried.

Matters Arising from Correspondence

Special General Meeting of PNZ

It was noted that PNZ had adopted the proposed new Constitution, as amended at the meeting.

SPARC Presentation

Claire Bradburn agreed to represent the WPA at the presentation, which would cover:


Brian Smith presented his report.

Graeme Morris said that he had not yet tracked down the missing interclub entry fee, but intended to do so. Brian commented that he has not identified it either.

Brian confirmed that open entry fees and amounts paid for the purchase of trophies are on track. Grants of $100 each have been made to youth - Nick Toyne and Nikki Winnie.

Brian mentioned that he had concerns that invoices are not coming to him. People from clubs have gone direct to suppliers without contacting Brian first. It is essential that they first obtain an order number from Brian. Suppliers have been instructed not to provide the goods unless an order number is given. If goods are purchased outside this system the buyer will not be reimbursed.

The motion was put that the report be received (Brian Smith/Richard Turfrey). Carried.

Tournament Sub-Committee

Entry to and Running of Tournaments

Graeme advised that feedback indicated the WPA Singles and Doubles tournaments went well. A complaint had been made that player numbers were cut too quickly after 3 games. Graeme said it was not the intention of the Committee to deliberately cut numbers. In fact the Committee wanted as many people as possible playing in tournaments. At the same time, striking a balance between competition and participation in a tournament was difficult. This was the reality and players needed to get used to it. In the past teams got through with 2 wins on the first day, whereas they now needed to be on their game from Day 1.

Claire commented that the Committee was always willing to look into a situation to see if improvements can be made. It is difficult to run a tournament until numbers are known.

Brian observed that the original concept of the tournaments was to encourage players to enter and gain experience to fit them for possible national selection.

Michael Rocks said that the entry form for a tournament should state clearly whether it was open entry or not. If this was done there should be no complaints. Michael asked why an entrant in an open tournament had to be affiliated to a New Zealand club.

Graeme replied that he had no problem with the Wellington Open Triples being open to any registered player, including players from overseas.

Fay said that a check on licensed players can be made by contacting PNZ. Richard commented that unless the check is made on the day of the tournament, there can be no proof a competitor is still licensed. Brian advised that every New Zealand player wishing to compete overseas should be licensed as proof the player is affiliated to a New Zealand club.

The motion was put: “That future Wellington Open tournaments be open to licensed players” (Graeme Morris/Claire Bradburn).

Michael opposed the motion as there was no requirement for a restriction on entries for open tournaments.

When put to a vote, the motion was lost.

Shirts for Winners of Wellington Championships, and Status of WPA Women's Singles, Women's Doubles and Women's Triples Tournaments

Claire said that Clubs had been asked to discuss and report back to this meeting on whether or not the WPA Women's Singles, Women's Doubles and Women's Triples should be regarded as official tournaments.

Graeme advised that special shirts were traditionally awarded to winners of the Wellington Championship Singles, Doubles and Triples. Winners of the WPA Women's Singles and WPA Senior Doubles also received shirts. The issue was, if the WPA Women's Singles was accorded the status of an Official Championship event, why weren't the Women's Doubles and Women's Triples treated the same?

Michael commented that the Women's Singles was granted Championship status in order to encourage more women to enter. The Women's Doubles and Women's Triples had never been considered in the same context. Michael added that Khandallah opposed extending official status to the Women's Doubles and Women's Triples. A number of other Clubs including Otaki, Horowhenua, Wanganui and Silverstream were also opposed.

The motion was put “That the Wellington Regional Singles, the Wellington Regional Doubles, the Wellington Regional Triples and the Wellington Senior Doubles be granted Championship status, with the winners awarded special shirts” (Graeme Morris/Brian Smith) Carried.

The meeting agreed that if a person won more than one championship, details of each event and year could be inscribed on the same shirt.

Claire said that this decision meant the Women's Doubles and Women's Triples were not WPA tournaments, and she asked Clubs to consider whether they wished to run these tournaments and report back to the next WPA meeting.

WPA Senior Doubles

Claire reminded delegates that Clubs had been asked to consider and report back to this meeting as to whether or not the WPA Senior Doubles should be moved from Mid-week to the weekend because of the number of players over 60 still in the workforce.

Graeme commented that implicit in this was the question of whether the tournament should be extended to a 2-day event.

Otaki and Horowhenua supported retaining the tournament Mid-week because of the crowded weekend events calendar. Park Avenue was divided, and Silverstream in favour of a switch to the weekend. Masterton favoured a change to weekends, but retention of the 1-day format as otherwise their members would require accommodation for the weekend because of the distances involved. Kapiti requested time to discuss the matter because of their large membership, many of whom would be affected.

Delegates agreed to consider the matter further at the next WPA meeting.

Regional Tournaments

Claire requested Clubs consider the list of WPA Regional tournaments for 2009 distributed at the meeting and reply to her by email on which tournaments Clubs were prepared to host.

Wellington v Canterbury Match

Graeme advised that the Wellington team would compete in a quadrangular tournament against 2 teams from Canterbury and one other team from the South Island over the weekend 29/30 November in Christchurch. The Wellington team comprised: Graeme Morris, Michael Rocks, Myles Cowper, Peter Hamilton, Tony Mudgway and Peter Dennett. The No.1 ranked player in each team would play their counterparts.

Myles commented that Canterbury were very strong and keen to win the event.

Wellington Regional Coaching Co-ordinator's Report

Graeme presented his report.

Graeme said that his job was to work with coaches to keep them qualified. Coaching conducted by the WPA was with players. The purpose of the Regional Coaching Co-ordinator was twofold: to provide ongoing Level 1 and Level 2 certification for qualified coaches and to provide coaching/instruction to Club players in the region.

Step One was a planned coaching seminar for qualified coaches early in 2009, focusing on specific skills such as holding the boule correctly, how to play and practice the various shot types (lob, demi-lob, shooting etc.) and the use of training aids (buckets, rings, timber, tyres etc) as used by the CIEP petanque school run by Claude Raluy - International Centre of Teaching P7eacute;tanque in France. The seminar would also cover tactics and reading the terrain. Group discussions will form part of the session.

Step Two will be a coaching session for players at a large central terrain. The purpose was to provide coaching for beginner to intermediate players. Coaches will be assigned topics, either singularly or in small groups. The coaches will then plan the coaching session on the topic they are given. The plan will be submitted to the Regional Coaching Co-ordinator for agreement prior to the session. At the coaching session, Level 1 and Level 2 coaches will be allocated stations of the terrain to carry out the session. Players will rotate from area to area so that each player receives instruction at the various stations. The Regional Coaching Co-ordinator will observe the sessions and send a report on each coach to the National Director of Coaching so that coaching certification can continue.

Level 1 and Level 2 coaches will be required to plan a coaching strategy for their own Club for 2009. The strategy must be accepted by the Club and then submitted to the Regional Coaching Co-ordinator who may observe any session. After each session the Club coach or coaches will file a report on it. Where there is more than one coach in a Club, all available coaches will participate and the division of coaching duties will be part of the strategy. Coaches are free to run extra coaching but would be expected to inform the Regional Coaching Co-ordinator. The focus would be to keep the momentum going.

The Regional Coaching Co-ordinator will prepare a budget once the plan has been accepted. It will consist of hire fees for venues and reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses. Club coaches' expenses will be covered by their Clubs.

A discussion followed as to who should pay fees and expenses for the Regional Coaching Co-ordinator. Myles said it was a PNZ initiative and they should pick it up. Fay Doyle replied that the region would benefit and therefore ought to take some responsibility for it.

Michael commented that PNZ needs to talk to coaches in the region to obtain buy-in before introducing the programme. Claire suggested that the proposal be sent to Clubs and to coaches for feedback, and that Graeme prepare a budget to be forwarded to Clubs and coaches. The Meeting agreed.

Umpiring Sub-Committee

Gwen said that she wrote to PNZ about a suitable uniform for umpires, not just shirts and jackets but something distinctive. Reimbursement of travel and expenses to regional events also needed to be considered. Gwen also asked in the letter if Barbara Whittington could become a fully qualified national umpire by completing theory and practical tests. The then National Director of Umpiring, Andy Gilbert, replied on 22 September 2008 that the latter was up to PNZ but it was hoped certification of umpires would happen in March 2009 in Rotorua.

Gwen wrote back to the National Director complaining that the delay until March was unacceptable as there were 8 to 10 people in Wellington keen to be involved in umpiring at a local, regional or national level. Andy Gilbert has subsequently stepped down as National Director, and Trevor Neilson and Barbara Whittington are trying to keep things going as the only national umpires in the Wellington Region and all of the South island. An approach has been made to obtain the services of a fully qualified umpire from Australia in the meantime.

Gwen added that there was no preferred uniform for umpires other than a blue shirt. The group had considered conducting a survey in this regard. She asked the Meeting if there was any reason why umpires could not make their own tops for use in Wellington tournaments only.

Brian commented that badges cost $700 to $800 for about a dozen and this sum could not be justified. Claire suggested 4 bibs be purchased to share around. They would slip easily over clothing and be the most effective solution size-wise. The Meeting agreed that Gwen go ahead and purchase suitable bibs on this basis.

Gwen enquired about reimbursement of non-playing umpires officiating at WPA events. If, however, umpires were competing they ought to be treated the same as other competitors. Claire suggested petrol be reimbursed at $0.28 cents per kilometre, this being the rate approved by Inland Revenue Department.

The motion was put “That non-playing umpires be reimbursed for travel expenses at all WPA events at the rate of $0.28 cents per kilometre” (Brian Smith/Richard Turfrey) Carried.

Brian commented that payment of the expenses would come from tournament entry fees. He added that PNZ would be expected to reimburse umpires at national events.

PNZ Report

Fay reported that Andy Gilbert has resigned from all national committees.

Information would shortly be sent out to Clubs calling for nominations for positions on the PNZ Board. This would include the 3 Directors' posts: Director of Membership Services, Director of Sports Development and Director of Player Development. Nominations are required by 28 February and ballot papers would be sent out on 18 March. Clubs would have 1 vote per 25 members.

Brian (in his capacity as PNZ Treasurer) advised that PNZ finances were running at an operating loss of $2,000 to $3,000. PNZ had decided that the bulk of the money this year would be allocated to coaching. In 2009 the loss was likely to be between $1,000 to $2000 following Peugeot's withdrawal as sponsor of petanque. The drop in interest rates from 8.6% to 7.75% had hit investments and it was not clear if the expected $6,000 from SPARC would be forthcoming. If that was the case, PNZ would be in trouble and it was likely all fees would rise in 2010 and New Zealand would not compete in international tournaments other than the Trans-Tasman.

Club Reports


Has had their Singles, Doubles and weekend combination points competitions. The Lighthouse Out of Schools Programme made an approach which led to a group of Club members teaching some children to play petanque. The Midlands Retirement Village asked Kapiti to put on a display of how to play pétanque, as they have formed pistes for use by residents. The Club hosted the WPA Regional Doubles and the National Doubles.

Wanganui East

There are about 24 entries for the Wanganui East Triples (on 23 November).


Membership is around 52 and that the local college had a new sports officer with an interest in fostering pétanque. As a result, 2 teams from the college compete in twilight bowls and pétanque on Mondays.


Membership of about 51. Otaki are to visit at the end of November to mark the opening of the last piste.


Has 20 plus members and is hosting the Hawke's Bay Challenge in December. Two more Probus groups have visited and this might lead to an increase in Club membership.

Windy Hills

Congratulated Kapiti on the success of the WPA Regional Doubles.


Competed with mild success in the Baine Trophy (a competition between Hutt Valley Clubs), sharing the runner up position with Park Avenue. Upper Hutt were the winners.

General Business

This item was deferred until the next meeting.

The meeting ended at 9:55 pm

Owen Davie