WPA Committee Meeting held on Thursday 11 September 2008
at the Silverstream Pétanque Club at 7:30 pm


Claire Bradburn (Chair), Owen Davie (Secretary), Brian Smith (Treasurer)
Hataitai - Margret Fleck, Catherine Maher
Horowhenua - see apologies
Kapiti - Gwen Hill, Jan McHardy, Pat Scholes
Khandallah - Michael Rocks
Manawatu - see apologies
Masterton - Graeme Morris
Otaki - Bob Wilde, Shirley Wilde
Park Avenue - Enoka Smiler
Silverstream - Tim Lovell-Smith
Upper Hutt - Kathy Taylor
Wanganui East - see apologies
Windy Hills - Myles Cowper
PNZ LNI Representative - Fay Doyle


Dirk Winnie (Khandallah), Gary Brunton (Otaki), Bill Lidstone (Horowhenua), Alison and Ralph Priddle (Masterton), Barrie Sinclair (Manawatu), Maureen Wood (Hataitai), Richard Turfrey (Wanganui East).

Confirmation of the Previous Minutes

Jan McHardy said that Kath and Kaye Allison from Kapiti were not included in the list of nominees for Volunteer of the Year.

Lorraine Gibbons was misspelled as Lorraine Gibbon amongst those listed as ineligible to play in the Wellington vs. Auckland Match.

The motion was put that the minutes, as amended, of the meeting on 26 June 2008 be confirmed (Claire Bradburn/Fay Doyle). Carried.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

Covered in Agenda items.


  1. Letter dated 10 July 2008 from PNZ (in response to letter dated 8 May 2008 from WPA) regarding procedures followed at PNZ AGM on governance and the national selection policy.
  2. Letter dated 15 July 2008 from PNZ (in response to letter dated 23 June 2008 from the WPA) regarding request for $500 grant.
  3. Email dated 24 July from PNZ confirming Park Avenue as venue for Peugeot PNZ National Triples, 4/5 April 2009.
  4. Letter dated 25 August 2008 from PNZ requesting funding towards New Zealand team to compete at the 11th Women's World Championships, Turkey, October 2008.
  5. Email dated 26 August 2008 from PNZ notifying of Special General Meeting of Petanque New Zealand on 14 September 2008 to vote on special resolution to implement changes to PNZ’s Constitution relating to governance agreed to at the 2008 AGM

Matters Arising from Correspondence


Claire Bradburn said that the APA response dated 2 June 2008 to the WPA email indicated that Lorraine Brock, the Upper North Island delegate, was not given sufficient riding instructions for the AGM. Claire added that the WPA must accept what the APA said. The minutes cannot be corrected until the next AGM in 12 months time, so the WPA will have to wait and see what happens then.

Request for $500 Grant

Claire said that the reply from PNZ told the WPA what it had to do to get money - projects initiated by clubs or associations such as regional coaching sessions or trophies for schools tournaments that promote or support junior pétanque development.

Michael Rocks commented that the grants were for 2007 and therefore the WPA needed to get its request in promptly.

Claire replied that the WPA needed to go back to Clubs to see if there was anything they could use the money for.

Michael mentioned the annual French Festival in the Wairarapa (in February/March). The French Embassy was involved and Claire agreed to approach the Embassy.

Graeme Morris said that Kapiti and Masterton had sent representatives to the Festival this year.

Women’s World Championships

Brian Smith advised that the WPA had given $500 in past years to assist the New Zealand Open team and that he suggested a grant of $750 for this tournament. A number of trusts have been approached for funding, but the requests were declined and the team members were effectively left paying their own way.

Myles Cowper suggested a grant of $500 as Barbara Johnston (a New Zealand team member from Masterton Club) had received separate funding of $200.

Following discussion and a motion for a grant of $750 that was lost, the motion was put that a grant of $500 be made to the team, noting that separate funding of $200 has been made available to Barbara Johnston. Michael Rocks/Myles Cowper. Carried.

Special General Meeting of Pétanque New Zealand to Amend Constitution

Claire said that the proposed amended Constitution had been circulated to Clubs and that Fay Doyle, the Southern North Island delegate, required feedback to pass on to the meeting.

Brian advised that the Special Meeting was concerned solely with amendments to the Constitution and not with governance issues at the last AGM.

The following Clubs made no comment on the proposed amendments: Windy Hills, Park Avenue, Upper Hutt, Hataitai, Otaki, and Masterton.

Kapiti and Silverstream supported the changes.

Michael advised that Khandallah opposed the proposals. The Club was concerned at the lack of prior consultation regarding how the amendments arose or differences from the AGM in April. The document contained a number of errors and omissions.

Claire commented that there were times when communication from PNZ could have been clearer and more comprehensive. However, most Clubs went along with the proposals.


Brian Smith presented his report.

The sum of $900 has been paid as a subsidy for WPA Trans Tasman Representatives. Expenses spent on trophies for Singles and Doubles competitions are reasonable. The Financial situation of the WPA is in good health.

Michael queried the accuracy of the $540 for Interclub Entry Fees. Graeme said he would check the figure.

Michael also asked about cheque signatories. This still needed to be formalised at the bank. At present Brian and Claire are carrying out this role.

The motion was put that the financial report be approved (Brian/Claire). Carried.

Umpires Meeting

Gwen Hill tabled a report on a get together on 10 August of umpires in the WPA Region.

The group recommended that the WPA establish an Umpiring Sub-Committee, which would seek out new umpires and run courses, including refresher courses, for Club and Regional umpires under the guidance of Barbara Whittington, a National Umpire. The group decided they would like to see Regional Championships have a non-playing umpire If possible and in future have this extended to all WPA events.

Other items sought were for Club umpires to assist with tournaments and reimbursement of expenses for umpires to attend Regional events. Umpires‘ duties need to be looked at to see if the rules are relevant to Club and Regional events. PNZ has been requested to provide an umpire‘s uniform (shirt and jacket). If this is declined an approach will be made for funding from a Trust.

Claire said that she and Brian had discussed making a contribution from WPA funds towards the expenses of umpires. This needed to be investigated further. The letter sent to PNZ had sought agreement for setting up the Sub-Committee as well as funding for the uniforms.

Gwen added that a shirt and jacket would be insufficient clothing in winter. Fay agreed and suggested a bright orange or green vest also be provided.

Tournament Sub-Committee

Graeme reported that the Sub-Committee had met twice and allocated different responsibilities. For example, Dirk Winnie would look after Wellington Singles, Enoka Smiler would canvas Interclub and Graeme, Wellington Doubles. A Disputes Committee would comprise of any two of the Sub-Committee members plus the Chief Umpire for the tournament concerned.

Graeme said that it appeared that several tournaments had just evolved and their status needed to be clarified to sort out which tournaments gave out gold and black shirts as prizes for winners of Wellington championships. At the moment the Wellington Regional Singles, Doubles and Triples were the only ones to do so. The Wellington Championships were special, only 11 shirts had been given out to date and this should be acknowledged. There was an issue as to whether the Wellington Open and Women‘s tournaments should also award the shirts to winners.

Graeme added that the Wellington Senior doubles was scheduled for Midweek and he questioned whether that was appropriate as it cut out those who were still in the workforce. The problem would be to try and fit it in to a crowded playing calendar.

Claire commented that a WPA ruling was needed as to whether Ladies Singles, Doubles and Triples were official tournaments. Graeme replied that these competitions should enjoy the same status as other Regional events. Clubs were asked to discuss these issues with their members and be prepared to vote at the next meeting.

Jacques Cochonnet Draw

Claire explained that a Home draw meant home for the challenger, Away meant the match would be played at the holder's pistes. Hataitai are the current holders of the trophy.

The outcome of the draw in chronological order was as follows:

Under the rules, the first challenge must take place within 30 days of the draw.

Wellington v Canterbury

Graeme advised that Dirk Winnie had tried unsuccessfully to set up a match with Canterbury. Finally, this has been achieved but the scheduled dates of 29/30 November clash with the WPA Open Triples at Otaki. The scheduled dates suit Canterbury.

Bob Wilde said that Otaki would be happy to shift the Triples to 6 December. This was agreed as there are no other competitions on 6 December, although the Wellington v Hawkes Bay Challenge at Palmerston North was on Sunday 7 December.

Graeme said that the match was in Christchurch and the Wellington team would comprise 12 players. Dirk would welcome expressions of interest. Players would have to pay their own way.

Agreement was reached that a suitable trophy be purchased and that the WPA pays half the cost, with Canterbury picking up the balance.

Wellington v Auckland Match

Graeme reported that Wellington had to front up in Auckland with a false trophy and he is travelling up again shortly to present the winners, Auckland, with the real one. Auckland took it more seriously and had obviously prepared better. The Wellington team had trained at Kapiti, Te Horo and Park Avenue over 3 weekends. It was the first time Wellington had played in Auckland and the terrain at Herne Bay was difficult. Had Wellington been able to force the triples into a third round, the result might have been different.

Coaching Sub-Committee

Michael said that the Sub-Committee has not been established yet. Coaches in the region are getting together in 2 weeks. One option is have a coaching/training day at Park Avenue on 11 October. The idea is to try and run some events to gauge interest, with the group meeting informally from time to time.

Regional Coach

Graeme tabled documents setting out his role as a regional coach under the PNZ framework. Duties include establishing region wide communication with club coaches and players, such as an email distribution list, setting up a regional player database and meeting regularly with club coaches and representative players/teams to set goals and training exercises. Other responsibilities include mentoring, planning and managing regional training support to Club coaches, and developing technical, tactical and life skills of representative players.

Graeme said that as Regional Coach he had no intention of taking over coaching organised by the WPA, but instead hoped to provide complementary services.

Brian said that PNZ had a meeting this coming weekend and the national coaching structure should be more developed after that.

PNZ Report

Fay Doyle said the PNZ was meeting over the coming weekend and there was nothing to report at the moment.

Club Reports

Club reports were dispensed with due to the amount of other business for the meeting. It was noted, however, that Kapiti has a new Secretary, Pam Jacobs.

General Business

WPA website

Claire asked Club representatives to think about what material should and should not be included on the WPA website and come back with comments to the next meeting.

Strategy Subcommittee

Michael suggested a Strategy Sub-Committee be established to promote pétanque. A business plan could be written and sponsorship sought. Other ideas were higher Club affiliation fees and regional representative shirts.

Claire asked Michael to send Clubs details of his thoughts for consideration and feedback to the next WPA Meeting.

Fay and Graeme stressed that the momentum must come from Clubs. Graeme said the WPA is already doing a lot of things well and some streamlining might be all that is required.

The meeting ended at 9:30 pm.

Owen Davie