Minutes of Wellington Pétanque Association Committee Meeting 10 April 2003
Michael Rocks, Brian Smith, Ian Baine, Neil Dykes, John Beard, Beverley Mason, Gwen Hill, Fran Beach, Maureen Wood, Graeme Morris, Liz Rocks, Roy Zeier, Gerald Bryan, Myles Cowper, Margret Fleck, Allan Moss, Dawn McCormack, Jim Matheson, Tim Lovell-Smith, Claire Bradburn, Peter Dennett, Barbara Nicholls, Anne Cook, Louise Sligo.
Ralph Priddle, Lindsay and Helen Skinner, Bame and Ngaere Sinclair, Tony Packer, Keith Mills
Minutes 13 February 2003
Minutes of 13 February 2003 be accepted. Moved: Brian Smith: Seconded: Tim Lovell-Smith
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
- Sport Wellington re. Newstalk ZB Sportsperson of the Year awards on 29 April 2003, Coaching education programme, via Brenda Dykes
- Marguerite Christophers, Sport Wellington Region, re. request for assistance at Multisport Festival for secondary school children with special needs dated 26.02.03
Financial Report
- Bank a/c @ 13.2.03 $2,376.94 Travel Fund $739.00 General Fund $1,637.94
- Silverstream fees outstanding. Claire Bradbum will remind Bowling Club of affiliation fees for Silverstream due.
- Michael Rocks asked Brian Smith that notices plus reminders be issued in good time.
- Brian noted that the Otaki club will be a fmancial member of WPA and PNZ post the 2003 AGM.
- Michael raised matter of whether there was a welcoming procedure for entry of a new club.
That the financial report be accepted: Moved: Michael Rocks: Seconded: Brian Smith
Winter Interclub
- Brian presented a revised schedule with minor changes made since the last meeting. 8 teams to take part. Originally planned for one team per Club. Kapiti was invited to enter 2 teams to avoid a Bye. Clubs are seeded and have been placed in two pools. There will be 2 qualifying round robins plus a play-off round robin. This is to maintain interest until the end instead of having a single round-robin. Each team will play 9 matches over twenty weeks. Big commitment for clubs but players can be swapped.
- Myles Cowper noted that for competitive sport to be developed there needs to be conunitment and forward planning.
- Brian said format could be fme tuned after a year's experience - benefit appears that it will promote club participation.
- Gerald Bryan referred to possible problems if some people are members of two clubs.
- Brian said results would need to be returned to him by the host club to be collated. Hope expressed that if the Inter-club continues next that dates will remain largely permanent.
- A 10:00 start will reduce interference to other club members not participating.
- Michael Rocks asked if any clubs now wished to reconsider their entry. No objections - all willing to accept.
- Brian Smith will send emails to all.
Winter Doubles
- Dates: Round 1 on 4th May, Round 2 on 8 June, Round 3 on 6 July, Finals 3 August.
- Michael gave all clubs one week to confirm the number of entries since the dates had changed and the inter-club had been extended.
- Venues to be announced once numbers are confirmed.
- Details of draws to be posted.
General Business
NZPA Report
- Graeme Morris announced team for Trans Tasman Challenge weekend to be held in Melbourne in May. (A.Samuel, P. Jenkins, D. Bavidge, G. Greer, S. Cannon and M. Rocks). Hope expressed that the Wellington area would give financial support.
- NZ team for the World Championships in 2003 would be the same as for 2002 and Graeme continues as team manager. As fund raiser he stated he would appreciate all gestures of help.
- Claire Bradburn queried gains flowing from this. Graeme said resultant gains were in coaching, experience and generally raising NZ's profile. There is no funding from PNZ and it is a compressed and focussed tour.
- Brian Smith moved WPA give the usual $200 contribution to the Wellington team member from the WPA Travel fund. Seconded Neil Dykes. All in favour. Motion carried.
- Moved by Michael Rocks that the WPA give $500 to the national travel fund from the WPA general fund. Seconded: Claire Bradburn. Carried.
Champion of Champions
- WPA, in Brian's view, needs to get involved in a set of protocols and draw up a clear format. Possible need to widen this as not all clubs hold championships and to include champions from NZ and regional and women's events.
- General discussion felt that as this was a Club Champion of Champions, so only club champions could take part.
- Gwen Hill felt events should run to a set format as set by WPA. Michael resolved that this should be done for 2004.
- Gwen also favoured a greater WPA presence (for recording, trophy presentations etc.). Question of players who are in more than one club participating in the inter-club.
- Michael reminded meeting of the Jacques Cochonnet rule whereby a player may only represent one club during the competition round - he suggested that this same rule apply to interciub league and the winter doubles.
- Myles Cowper drew the distinction between a dual membership (being fully paid up at 2 clubs) and an associate member. Need to nominate which club they will play for.
- Graeme Morris moved that for the Interciub League or the Winter Doubles, that in the course of a calendar year, a player may only play for one club. And as with the Jacques Cochonnet, for each complete round. Seconded: Gwen Hill. Put to the vote and carried unanimously.
WPA Women's Singles
- The event will show a small profit in next financial report.
- Michael noted that most countries outside NZ do not have integrated teams. The Oceania Championships require a women's team. Next year the WPA may hold events to provide local players with the opportunity to gain tournament experience prior to the qualifying event, if there is sufficient interest.
- The 2003 event gave no runner-up award due to the change in format to a Swiss. However, Michael would look into the possibility of an award to be given to the runner-up.
Brian Smith commented on Bernadette Lawton's attendance at an Australian coaching seminar. He is hopeful that Bernadette will co-ordinate overall regional coaching. Coaching will be discussed at the PNZ level.
The Clash
Brian replied to Neil Satherley Christchurch proposal, that we should keep to 6 players. Neil had asked that if others wished to go to Christchurch then they would match them with an equal number of their players. No details as yet on any financial support. Meeting agreed to 6 players as selected and with extras to accompany them at member's own option.
Proposal for Wellington Triples Championship 29/30th November
Patrick Smith has received support from Williams and Adams to sponsor the Suzuki Open Triples. Michael Rocks moved that the WPA formally accept the Williams and Adams sponsorship offer and that we notify them of what is proposed. Seconded: Brian Smith
Memorial tournament
Brian conveyed Dirk Winnie's suggestion for a Memorial Tournament to remember the late Ken Doyle, Peter Berrill, Daphne Hendrie, Georgina Morta. The idea that this should be a fixed event with commemorative trophies and have a social aspect. This avoided a potential future problem of finding an event to name after a former player.
- Sunday 16th November has been booked by Upper Hutt for a Swiss Doubles.
- Gwen Hill signalled a forthcoming event for Kapiti's new club house opening.
Jacques Cochonnet Challenge
Gerald Bryan moved that the Jacques Cochonnet challenge draw be modified for the next round.
If a club retains the trophy by winning all the games in the round then, at the draw for the next round, in addition to the order of the play, a separate draw will be made to determine the venue of play (that is, home or away). Seconded: Peter Dennett
Motion put to the vote. 7 of the clubs were in favour and 1 abstention (Masterton).
2004 National Triples
The WPA has applied to host the 2004 National Triples
Louise Sligo