Minutes of Wellington Pétanque Association Committee Meeting 13 February 2003


Brian Smith, Gwen Hill, Bevedey Mason, Neil Dykes, John Beard, Lindsay Skinner, Patrick Smith , Tim Lovell-Smith, Ian Baine, Michael Rocks, Daphne Hendrie, Fran Beach, Maureen Wood, Graeme Morris, Louise Sligo


Peter Ball, Ralph Priddle, Ngaere and Barrie Sinclair, Brenda Dykes

Minutes 5 December 2002

Minutes of 5 December 2002 be accepted. Moved: Brian Smith, Seconded: Fran Beach

Matters Arising




Financial Report


Proposed 2003 Interclub and Winter League Doubles

Michael advised that Khandallah are holding their annual Swiss Doubles toumament on Sunday 27th April and that he would be happy to assist other clubs who wishes to hold a Swiss Doubles.

Michael also suggested that as the Kapiti Open Doubles marks the start of a season for a range of players, Wellington could hold an open toumament late in the year which would look to attracting new and out of town entries.

Brian put forward the dates of November 29th and 30th for Wellington Open Triples and this will be discussed at the next meeting. The NZPA are holding an event in late October and there needs to be sufficient space between these for people outside of the area to be interested.

Training Day

This took place on 7th February and Brian thanked Kapiti for all their hard work with an overwhelming response - and largely from Otaki, Levin and Kapiti. Some 52 people participated and follow up seen as desirable for members in recently formed clubs at Otaki and Levin. A further training day could be set aside for intermediate and experienced players.

Training/Coaching is essential to funding from SPARC and the recognition of pétanque. The success of the training day is indicative of the need for such.

2003 Women's Singles

This was scheduled for 23rd March. There were 32 entries in 2002. This event is being arranged by Michael and Elizabeth Rocks. Park Avenue had been approached on the viability of either 16th or 23rd March. Only the 23rd was possible. Michael is unavailable on that date. Date of 30th March to be confirmed at Park Avenue. Eariy entry will be advisable.

General Business

NZPA Report


With sorrow, we note the sudden passing away of Daphne Hendrie on 24 February 2003.

Louise Sligo