Minutes of Wellington Pétanque Association Committee Meeting 17 October 2002
Brian Smith, Gerard Pinguet, Brenda Dykes, Neil Dykes, John Beard, Lindsay Skinner, Ralph Priddle, Beverley Mason, Gwen Hill, Dawn Cormack, Maureen Wood, Gerald Bryan, Liz Rocks, Michael Rocks, Anne Cook, Tommy Werry, Tim Lovell-Smith, Louise Sligo.
Graeme Morris, Barrie and Ngaere Sinclair
Minutes 15 August 2002
Minutes of 15 August 2002 be accepted. Moved: Brian Smith Seconded: Lindsay Skinner
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
- From Kapiti Petanque Club. Request that January Open Doubles be inserted into the Calendar. This has been done.
- From Spanish collector requesting WPA pin. Request declined on evidence that this is for a commercial purpose rather than for a genuine collection.
Financial Report
Bank a/c @ 1.10.02 $2576.93 General Fund $2051.93 Travel Fund $525.00
Moved: Neil Dykes, Seconded: Brian Smith
Some discussion ensued on the matter of WPA payments for major tournaments to the club hosting these. At present, Park Avenue and Kapiti receive these.
General Business
NZPA Report
- New Zealand produced its best result to date at the World Championships. It succeeded getting beyond the preliminary round to join 24 teams in the Nations Cup. Beat Australia 13/3 among other good outcomes.
- Doubles Championships to be held in Christchurch at Labour Weekend have attracted 40 entries.
- On November 16/17 Committee Meeting of the NZPA with World Championships and fees for 2003 to be discussed.
Calendar Update
- Kapiti Open doubles entered.
- WPA Triples scheduled for 15th and 16th February. Moved: Brian Smith Seconded: Tim Lovell-Smith
- Brian reported that SPARC have categorized pétanque as a "Recognition Sport". From 2003 all sports in this category will receive no funding per se from this source and will need to look elsewhere for funding. These resources in turn will look to SPARC for direction on funding which will be a further disadvantage for sports in the "recognition" category. Brian said we have an opportunity to discuss this with SPARC and seek to raise our level of classification. Criteria for this may well include our coaching programme - thus training days will assume more significance.
- Michael Rocks proposed that a Training Day should precede by a week or a fortnight main regional events - the February Triples the August Singles and the October Doubles. Brenda Dykes urged that such dates be arranged promptly. Noted that so far the early part of 2003 is quite full due to the rescheduling of the World Championships. Moved: Michael Rocks Seconded: Gwen Hill
- Venues for WPA Triples and for Training Days to be determined.
- Gerald Bryan noted the statement on PNZ website re. the growth and development of Wellington pétanque. Expressing his concern, he drew an analogy, likening the present state of petanque to a lemon tree whereby attention is given to the fruit at the expense of the roots. That the game has become an undeservedly minority sport; now lacking a spirit of fun and visibility and with an emphasis on structure.
- Members reported on their various experiences and attempts to open up the game.
- Gerard Pinguet confirmed that a range of surfaces suited the game and Neil Dykes commented on the different conditions in which the game was enjoyed in Noumea.
- Neil suggested we could identify sites and demonstrate play there.
- Lindsay saw an opportunity to promote at the forthcoming Junior Sports Expo to be organised by Recreation Porirua.
- It was concluded that members make an effort to identify suitable sites for informal play and that these be collated.
- Gerard Pinguet looked at competition games with expenses attached, especially when distance travelling is involved. That more entries may be attracted if WPA would make some contribution to costs. Also that thought could be given to people being selected to accompany overseas teams with appropriate lingual skills. This comment was made without personal interest and with regard to the real practicalities of tours.
- Brian Smith felt this was a matter for the PNZ to take into account.
- Michael Rocks presented charts illustrating outcomes for clubs participating in Winter League.
- Brian Smith proposed a vote of thanks from all to Michael for his hard work and commendable skills in organising the winter league tournaments.
- Michael said Kapiti and Porirua clubs stood out for introducing new people as participants but all clubs made a contribution in this respect.
- Brian's proposal for WPA Interciub League discussed. Concept essentially where clubs play others with 4 players per team. 4 seen as a useful number - car pooling etc. Advantage in that the format would occupy less time and make a shorter playing day. Precedents elsewhere - including Auckland.
- Possibility of difficulties for club captains and general organisation could be anticipated.
- Initial concern that newer players may be discouraged.
- Queried that it may be restrictive from the point of view of the 'everyday player'.
- Number of entries would decide how many days would be taken up with play.
- Clubs would have the option of taking part in the Winter Doubles or Interclub.
- Brian believed approximately a year's experiment would be needed to show all effects.
- Brian asked that by the next meeting, all clubs would confer with their own members to gauge the level of support and note problems that may be envisaged.
- Oskar de Jong had proposed and outlined an Interclub Triples based on 3 competition days and to a maximum of 32 teams. To be considered in 2003.
Louise Sligo