Graeme Morris (Masterton), Brian Smith (Upper Hutt), Daphne Hendrie, Shirley MacCauley (Hataitai), Liz & Michael Rocks, Dean & Susan Norman, Neil & Brenda Dykes (Khandallah), Lindsay, Lyn & Helen Skinner (Porirua), Tim Lovell-Smith (Silverstream), Gerard Pinguet (Wellington), Fay Doyle, Nan Page (Kapiti), Barbara Whittington (Park Avenue)
Dirk Winnie (Upper Hutt), Ron Knox (Khandallah), Janet Partridge (Hataitai), Rex Hayes (Kapiti)
Moved Barbara, Seconded Fay
Summary of WPA activities for the year. Not produced Secretary ran out of time.
Written report presented. Moved Graeme, Seconded Lindsay
Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2000 tabled. Moved Brian Seconded Daphne
Accounts audited by Peter Whittington
Explanation re Depreciation and Travel Fund
Move: "That the 2000 affiliation fee be set at $2.00 per club member with no cap on the club membership numbers"
Moved Brian, Seconded Gerard, Passed
Budget discussed and accepted
Move: "That the WPA financial year to commence the 1st January and end on the 31st December"
Moved: Brian, Seconded: Barbara, Passed
No other nominations received. Dirk and Brian duly elected.
Suggested having a maximum length of time for a person holding the office of WPA President
Move: "That a person could hold the office of WPA President for a maximum of three (3) consecutive years".
Moved: Gerard, Seconded: Barbara, Passed