Peter Ball (Chair)
Maureen Wood (Hataitai)
Gwen Hill, Harl Stevens (Kapiti)
Michael Rocks, Neil Dykes (Khandallah)
Graeme Morris, Ralph Priddle (Masterton)
Anne Cook (Park Avenue)
Lindsay Skinner, John Beard (Porirua)
Peter Berrill (Silverstream)
Brian Smith, Fran Beach (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet (Wellington)
Tim Lovell-Smith (Silverstream), Brenda Dykes (Khandallah)
Graeme gave a very comprehensive report on the World Championships.
Moved that the minutes of 11.10.01 be accepted. Moved: Brian Smith, Seconded: Lindsay Skinner
Anne reported that a reasonable amount of interest was shown in petanque. Participation worthwhile.
Held at Karori Normal School. Approx 100 children attended. Thanks to everyone who helped run the pétanque.
Report tabled. Current Assets (cash): $3,885.54. Moved that the Financial Report accepted. Moved: Neil Dykes, Seconded: Ralph Priddle
Draft constitution tabled.
Main point of discussion was the provision for Individual Membership. Sub Committee to include amendments and circulate final draft by the end of January. Next meeting to approve draft for tabling at the ACM.
Date changed to 2.2.01 (Saturday) due to changed date of Hawkes Bay Summer Doubles. Venue: Park Avenue. Entry Fee: $10.00 per player.
Letter received from Jan McHardy re provision of scoreboards at Regional Championships. Peter circulated a draft proposal of protocols for regional championships. Comments to be sent to Peter. Meeting agreed scoreboards should be available for semi finals and finals.
Jan also noted that there was no medal for 2nd place in the Bowl (2001 Doubles Championship). Meeting agreed to award medal. This also raised the question of formalising the number of prizes and trophies for Regional Championships. To be discussed at a future meeting.
Updated with NZPA Doubles & Singles, WPA Doubles & Singles and WPA 2002 Interclub dates.
Moved to March 2002. Date to be decided at next WPA Committee Meeting.
Brian Smith