Daphne Hendrie (Hataitai)
Harry Clark & Dawn Beaton (Kapiti)
Neil & Brenda Dykes, Dorothy Gordon & Derek Batcheler (Khandallah)
Don Pettett & Barbara Whittington (Lower Hutt)
Graeme Morris & Alison Priddle (Masterton)
Trevor Smith (Porirua)
Leon Crosse & Peter Evison (Silverstream)
Brian Smith & Dirk Wnnie (Upper Hutt)
Gerard Pinguet (Wellington)
Peter & Helen Ball (Kapiti), Ralph Priddle (Masterton), Lindsay & Lyn Skinner (Porirua), Phil Doyle (Hataitai).
Leon gave a verbal report. Very good year for the WPA. The standard of pétanque in the Wellington region has improved dramatically.
Meeting moved: "That this committee thanks Leon for his work in establishing pétanque in the Wellington region". Moved: Brian, Seconded: Gerard
Accounts tabled. Accounts audited by Peter Whittington. Peter suggested an expenditure limit should be set for the Treasurer without the need of obtaining WPA committee approval.
Move: "That a spending limit of $100 per item of ependiture be set for the Treasurer. Any amount over $100 will require prior WPA Committee approval".
Moved: Brian
Seconded: Graeme
Move: "That the 1998 Wellington Petanque Association accounts be accepted".
Moved: Brian
Seconded: Dirk
No other nominations received. Dirk and Brian duly elected.
There being no General Business the AGM was followed by a Committee Meeting.
Brian W Smith