Regional Player rankings - An alternative

The current Seeding system

The seeding is based on a player's results in the Regional Singles, Doubles and Triples Championships. Points are awarded to a player depending on where they finish in a tournament. Players accumulate the points from each regional tournament played in the last two years.

Seeding points are awarded as follows: 1st = 6 points; 2nd = 5 points; 3rd = 4 points; Top 8 = 2 points; Top 16 = 1 point.

The Current Seeding is based on tournament results from the last two years. As one tournament is added, its corresponding event from two years ago is dropped off. This method ensures that the current form of players is reflected in the seeding points.

Current Seeding list

There are several disadvantages with the current seeding list.

At the National level, these problems have been overcome in part by changing the points scale and awarding everyone who take part points. In addition, the ranking is based on average points, not total points. (National Rankings)

Note: the recent change in grade classifications at National Championships has reduced the amount of points on offer. The Plate final is now between the 9th and 10th ranked teams, rather than the 17th and 18th (who now contest the Bowl).

An Alternative

To keep things simple, ranking points will still be awarded in Regional Championships (Singles, Doubles and Triples only) in the last two years. The revised points table is below. The ranking of players will be based on their average points (total points divided by number of events played).

GradePlaceSeeding Points
Others 1

Under this scenario, an additional 30 players now appear on the ranking list. Of the 107 players on the list:

Explanation of the Table

No. of
1Winnie, Dirk 17 181614656416.251 Y
2=Cannon, Sharon    16 1652=116.00   
2=Rocks, Michael 1716171416801=516.002 Y
2=Zeier, Roy  16   1652=116.00   
5Smith, Brian14 16 1614609415.003  
6=Belz, Maurice   1416144422=314.674=  
6=Dykes, Neil  161612 4422=314.674=  
8Toyne, Nick     141457114.00   
9Jegousse, Nick14161641416801=613.336Y 
10Chin, Tony 61816188665513.207Y 
11=de Jong, Oskar188    2638=213.008=  
11=Merval, Sebastien16161641214783613.008=Y 
11=Norman, Dean 146 14185213=413.008=Y 
14=Joe, Andrew12146 1418647=512.8011=YY
14=Yee, Anthony 61814188647=512.8011=Y 
16=Barrel, Angelique  12   1259=112.00   
16=Gibbons, Lorraine812  11174818412.0013= Y
16=Hay, Helene   811173631=312.0013= Y
19=Carducci, Danila1112    2340211.5015=  
19=Norman, Susan 1417 1144619=411.5015=Y 
21=Hayes, Rex1710 68165710=511.4017=YY
21=Morris, Graeme618 114185710=511.4017=Y 
23Dawson, Terry14101101716684611.3319  
24Chu, Ernie  1821784521411.2520  
25Johnston, Barbara 181081465612511.2021 Y
26Hay, Doug  11124174422=411.0022  
27Cowper, Myles148 108125213=510.4023Y 
28=Futcher, Dene    10102042210.0024  
28=Heywood, Ken    10 1066=110.00   
30Smiler, Monica8 12210144619=59.2025 Y
31Fleck, Margret 14   41846=29.0026  
32Miller, Joan10101021465213=68.6727YY
33=Bryan, Gerald116    1750=28.5028=  
33=Lacoste, Michael1 172 143434=48.5028=  
33=Lawson, Richard161651112511668.5028=  
36Priddle, Ralph18118814501768.3331YY
37=Gooch, Colin8     874=18.00   
37=Parslow, Sheryl     8874=18.00   
37=Priddle, Alison    8 874=18.00   
40Winnie, Nikki2 1121014392757.8032  
41Futcher, Yvonne    1141554=27.5033  
42Wilson, Claire2101021464422=67.3334 Y
43Dennett, Peter585 6123631=57.2035  
44Smiler, Enoka11411816412666.8336Y 
45Lawton, Bernadette1117 1143434=56.8037Y 
46Bray, Grant1  18162638=46.5038  
47=Bradburn, Claire108121613828=66.3339= Y
47=Choveaux, Morgan4141   1943=36.3339=  
47=Mason, Beverley  10 181943=36.3339=  
47=Mason, John  10 181943=36.3339=  
47=Mataira, Karepa81145553828=66.3339=Y 
47=McHardy, Jan414108113828=66.3339=  
53van Heusden, Peter111414513631=66.0045  
54Werry, Tommy 2114111293655.8046  
55Pilcher, Graeme 51  111750=35.6747  
56=Selwyn, Shirley    1101163=25.5048=  
56=Wood, Maureen 1   101163=25.5048=  
58Strichen, Christine  11145214145.2550  
59Burnard, Graeme28    1066=25.0051  
60Moss, John  5   578=15.00   
61Stevens, Harl181288283764.6752  
62=Doyle, Fay18 18 1846=44.5053=  
62=Jackson, Jeff   1 8968=24.5053=  
62=Mann, Robin 51 1111846=44.5053=  
62=Scholes, Pat 14 2111846=44.5053=  
62=Toyne, Maree  1  8968=24.5053=  
62=Williams, Peter    18968=24.5053=  
68=Drake, Erica   11101259=34.0059=  
68=Gazzard, Jack     4481=14.00   
68=Gazzard, Linda     4481=14.00   
68=Hamilton, Peter   11101259=34.0059=  
68=Kennedy, Mike 4    481=14.00   
68=Maher, Catherine 1 1 101259=34.0059=  
68=Mekalick, Don 4    481=14.00   
68=Wells, Bryan    4 481=14.00   
76Daniel, Tack1 4  4968=33.0062=  
77Marshall, Stephen1 4  4968=33.0062=  
78Turfrey, Richard  11451163=42.7564  
79Alison, Kath2211181554=62.5065= Y
80Alison, Kaye1212181554=62.5065= Y
81Scarlett, Patrick  4  1578=22.5065=  
82Taylor, Kathy 4 1  578=22.5065=  
83Zuppicich, Alison14 2  77732.3369  
84Ball, Roger 16 11968=42.2570  
85Dawson, Anne124114135862.1771  
86Henderson, Perry   2  29212.00   
87=Fletcher, Diane 2  1 388=21.5072=  
87=Hill, Gwen 2  1 388=21.5072=  
89Begley, Nerida   211481=31.3374  
90=Baine, Ian  1   193=11.00   
90=Baine, Jean  1   193=11.00   
90=Barry, Patrick     1193=11.00   
90=Beach, Fran 1    193=11.00   
90=Davis, Yvonne  1   193=11.00   
90=Gurr, Sue     1193=11.00   
90=Hunt, Elaine1 11  388=31.0075=  
90=Jarrold, Maureen     1193=11.00   
90=Lacoste, Carole     1193=11.00   
90=Mordecai, Margaret1     193=11.00   
90=Mudgway, Tony    1 193=11.00   
90=Nicholls, Barbara  1 11388=31.0075=  
90=Patston, Dick   1  193=11.00   
90=Pilcher, Avril  1   193=11.00   
90=Simpson, Tony     1193=11.00   
90=Sligo, Louise     1193=11.00   
90=van Bodegraven, Tom11  11481=41.0075=  
90=Williams, Clive1     193=11.00   

How accurate is this ranking list? Send your comments to Interesting responses will be published.

Coming soon, a suggestion for creating a ranking list for your club events.

Michael Rocks
29 April 2008