How to play 2 Boules Doubles
2 Boules was developed to provide a fast paced introduction to the game. The intention of the game is to encourage all players to shoot and point.
Games have a maximum time limit of 25 minutes. Scoring is done using a matchplay format - the team that wins the end gets one point. The winner of the match is the first team to gain 6 points. In other words, a game is the best of 11 ends.
2 Boules Doubles uses the standard rules of Pétanque with the following modifications:
- The cochonnet must be thrown between 6 and 8 metres (shorter distances may be used for younger players)
- The team throwing the cochonnet has two attempts to throw a legal distance. Failure to do so is a double fault and incurs a penalty of loss of the end. That is, the opposing team is awarded one point and gains control of the cochonnet for the next end.
- The cochonnet is considered dead if during the course of the end it is moved more than 9 metres from the closest point of the throwing circle.
- A boule is considered dead if it ends up more than 10 metres from the closest point of the throwing circle.
- All players must point one boule and shoot one boule each end. The only exception to a player shooting is when there are no opponent's boules on the terrain.
- The order in which a player throws his pointing or shooting boule is up to the discretion of the player.
- A player may shoot one of their own boule to improve their position rather than a boule of the opponents.
- A shot is invalid if, in not connecting with any other boule on the terrain, it does not go past the intended target. That is, a player cannot claim a pointing throw was really a shot. A invalid shot boule will be considered dead and the opponents have the option of removing the boule or leaving it where it finished.
- A team which has, at the completion of an end, all four of its boules closer to the cochonnet than the nearest boule of the opposing team scores a Quattro and is awarded a bonus point.