PNZ Train the Trainer : Level 1/2 Course


Until the end of 2006, SPARC administered Coaching New Zealand (CNZ) courses, which were delivered through the regional sports trust (RST) network.

Following the release of the New Zealand Coaching Strategy 2004, a Coach Education Working Party was convened to initiate the implementation of the coach education tactic of the strategy.

Key changes that are set out in the Coaching Strategy are as follows:

  1. Coach development will target the Coaching Strategy communities and be based on the stage of development of the athlete and related athlete needs.
  2. Sport-specific and generic coaching will be integrated. This means that from 2007, the general principle coach development components, previously delivered through CNZ courses, have been included in national sport organisation (NSO) programmes rather than CNZ courses administered and certificated by SPARC. SPARC has continued to have a role in planning and preparing generic resources and RSTs still have a role in facilitating delivery of coach development opportunities.

Course Outline

This is a two day course based on the SPARC Level 1 Principles of Coaching course.

    Day One

  1. Introduction

  2. Coaching Theory

  3. Approach to the Game

    General conduct and how to approach the game

  4. Mental Skills Training

  5. Safety and Risk Management

  6. Technique

    This covers the mastery of each shot, when to use a particular throw and a demonstration of each by the trainer. Group participation.

  7. Game Play

    This covers the team and the role of each player within that team

  8. Planning a Session

  9. Observation

    Day Two

  10. Physical Preparation

  11. Skill Analysis

  12. Exercises for the team

    Put the group into teams of three. Trainer should be watching for teamwork rather than scores here. Play must be approached as if a competition to simulate pressure.

  13. Coaching a Skill

  14. Exercises

    These should be fun but approached seriously. Put particiapnt into teams of three and measure outcomes.

  15. The Game

    The trainer should illustrate the various stages of a game and encourage participation in the discussion. The focus should be on the second half of the game and how tactics change depending on what half of the game you are in and what scores you and your opponent have.

  16. Training

    The group should be aware of the different training required for the following:

    Discuss when the team should be cautious and when the team can take risks.

    The trainer should devise a training programme for the individual or team which is tailored to their specific needs and the impending tournament.

    Examine the concept of training in pairs and individually as well as training as a team.

    The need to train under competitive conditions.

  17. Questions/Finish

Useful links