Kevin McFadgen
June Cody (Kapiti), Bob Horton (Upper Hutt), Thelma Massey (Horowhenua), Jo Maxwell (Kapiti).
Margaret Mordecai (Otaki)
Kevin welcomed all to the meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting held 13 February 2014 were taken as read. Acceptance proposed by Kevin McFadgen, seconded Claire Bradburn agreed by all.
The Tournament Subcommitrtee agreed to look at holding some Inter-club challenges at Manawatu.
Request sent to PNZ re the promotional leaflets for the game but no reply has been received at this stage.
This report covers to the end of February 2014. Statement of Financial position now appears at the front of the report. Some accounts are still to be finalised. Michael requested that any outstanding invoices for engraving of trophies be forwarded to him prior to the end of the financial year. Clubs need to ensure that trophies are kept safely and are returned in time for the tournament the next year.
A change is required to the constitution to clarfy the ability to transfer money between bank accounts. To be dealt with at the AGM.
Michael Rocks moved that the report be accepted, seconded by Claire Bradburn. Carried.
Graeme Morris reported that Champion of Champion Triples and Regional Triples were successful events. Very helpful to have Brian Frampton as a scorer. The tournament Review is well underway and a questionairre will be sent out to Clubs in the next few weeks. Please ensure that all members see it.
Please ensure that Club events are not scheduled to be held on the same day as Regional or National events. The yearly calendar is issued by the Tournament Subcommittee as early as possible so please try not to clash with other events.
The decision re the purchase of the Tournament Organiser kit has been deferred till the Tournament Review is completed.
Request from Park Avenue Club - Re Payment to host clubs where Inter-club events are played.
Host Clubs should receive payment from WPA to cover costs incurred holding Interclub events. Clubs should be recompensed for providing tea, coffee, milk, food etc on these days. Also for terrain maintenance, and the use of the Club's facilities.
Graeme Morris moved that Clubs hosting Interclub events should receive a hosting fee for each day. Seconded by Claire Bradburn. Carried.
The Tournament Subcommittee is to clarify the 31 day rules especially around the November to February period. Also need to develop some transfer documentation for players wishing to change Clubs, and provide some clarification around the player eligilibility in the Interclub and Jacques Cochonnet events.
Clubs are reminded that email addresses given as tournament contacts should not be used for personal emails without the permission of the owner.
The next meeting will be the AGM to be held at Kapiti on Saturday, 14 June 2014. A one day tournament will be held and the meeting will follow directly after that.
Meeting closed at 9:10 pm.
Colleen Horton