Fay Doyle (Chair), Beverley Mason (Secretary)
Hataitai - Catherine Maher
Horowhenua - no representative
Kapiti - Jan McHardy
Khandallah - Michael Rocks, Peter van Heusden, Dirk Winnie
Manawatu - no representative
Masterton - Graeme Morris, Ralph Priddle
Otaki - Dick Patston
Park Avenue - Karepa Mataira, Enoka Smiler
Silverstream - Claire Bradburn
Upper Hutt - Kathy Taylor, Alison Zuppicich
Wanganui East - Richard Turfrey
Windy Hills - Myles Cowper
The President welcomed everyone to this special meeting which has been called by the Masterton Pétanque Club and supported by Windy Hills, Wanganui East and Khandallah Clubs. The purpose of the meeting is to adopt the recently reviewed rules applying to the Jacques Cochonnet Trophy.
The proposed rules had been circulated to all clubs prior to the meeting and some ammendments were received.
The holder must give the challenger at least 3 dates (playing days) from which to chose within one calendar month of the playing of the previous challenge. Two of the dates offered must be separate weekends. If the challenger cannot accept one of the days offered, the holder will win the match by default. If the holder cannot offer 3 dates then it will default the match and the trophy will go to the challenger.
Note: the requirement to offer 3 playing days within the calendar month is waived if there is a clash with a regional or national championship. However, two dates must be offered.
The rest of the Article remains the same.
Moved: Michael Rocks, Seconded: D Winnie. The Ammendment was carried.
Moved: D Winnie
Change the terrain location to "at home (the challenger's piste) or away (the holder's piste)" to reflect that the draw is being made from the challenger's point of view.
Moved: D Winnie, Seconded: G Morris. The Ammendment was carried.
The updated Ammendment 2 was Moved: D Winnie, Seconded: C Bradburn. The Ammendment was carried.
M Rocks advised that the wording of Article 6 states that an offer of dates must be made within one calendar month, not that the match must be played within one calendar month.
After discussion it was agreed that:Moved: D Winnie, Seconded: M Cowper
That the Jacques Cochonnet Rules as amended on 29 Setptember 2007 be the Jacques Cochonnet playing rules as from 1 October 2007.
Moved: F Doyle, Seconded: R Turfrey. The motion was carried.
Following the adoption of these rules and pursuant to Article 2 a draw to determine whether the matches in the next round will be played at home or away was made and resulted as follows: Otaki (Away); Windy Hills (Away); Kapiti (Home); Masterton (Home); Upper Hutt (Away); Wanganui East (Away); Silverstream (Home); Horowhenua (Home); Park Avenue (Away); Hataitai (Home).
The meeting concluded at 4:00 pm
Beverley Mason