Michael Rocks, Brian Smith, Tommy Werry, Diane Fletcher, Graeme Pilcher, Kath and Kaye Alison, Roy Zeier, Ralph and Alison Priddle, Liz Rocks, Beverley Mason, Maureen Wood, Bob & Shirley Wilde, Claire Bradburn, Shirley Nesbitt, Margret Fleck, Fran Beach, Alison Zuppicich, Louise Sligo
Gary Brunton, Susan Norman, Graeme Morris, Bernard Casey, Nyra Bentley. Moved: All in favour
Moved Michael - Taken as read. All in favour
The PNZ have invoiced clubs directly for affiliation fees. There will be no change for 2005.
This was read by Michael Rocks. President's Report
Moved: Accepted
Brian circulated copies of financial performance. A net surplus of $1,311.28.
Brian moved that the affiliation fee remain at $2 per club member. Seconded by Michael.
Carried. All in favour.
Michael Rocks nominated by Ralph Priddle. Seconded by Brian Smith
All in favour
There were no nominations that were accepted by the nominee. Michael asked those present to make enquiries of prospective office holders from club members.
Brian Smith nominated by Michael Rocks. All in favour. Carried.
At present there is no legal requirement to have an Auditor, but should the Association apply for grants one would be needed. Again, clubs are asked to see if there is someone with the ability and willingness to undertake this position.
At 7:48 p.m the meeting closed.
Louise Sligo