Minutes of Wellington Pétanque Association Committee Meeting 11 December 2003


Michael Rocks, Brian Smith, Ian Baine, Neil Dykes, Lindsay Skinner, Fay Doyle, Kath Alison, Fran Beach, Maureen Wood, Ralph Priddle, Graeme Morris, Claire Bradburn, Louise Sligo.


Barbara Nicholls, Margaret Fleck, John Beard, Roy Zeier, Barrie and Ngaere Sinclair.

Minuytes of Previous Meeting

Minutes of 16 October 2003 be accepted. Moved: Michael Rocks. Carried.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.




That the Inwards correspondence be received and the Outwards correspondence be confirmed. Moved: M Rocks. Carried

Treasurer's Report

Brian Smith presented a statement of the financial position as at 31.12.03 reflecting a loss of approximately $800.00 Proposed a write-off of surplus badges. Main expenses in travel subsidies; tournament shirts etc. Shortfall resulted from Open Triples.

Summary of the 2003 Budget was distributed.

Raises likely need to address affiliation and/or entry fees. Indications that a tournament entry fee increase would be favoured.

Moved by Michael Rocks that the Financial Report be accepted: Seconded by Ian Baine.

WPA Tournament Review

The Open Triples was run at a loss. WPA had agreed to underwrite to $500 and deficit in the order of $300. Fay Doyle queried whether a cash sponsorship had been expected. Michael replied the actual position emerged nearer the starting date for the tournament. Graeme Morris asked if there had been feedback on lack of participation from teams outside the region. Auckland had told of conflict with their own events. Graeme felt concept worth persevering - possible need to seek some money sponsorship. May be a sub-committee to prepare for next time.

Inter-region match vs. Hawkes Bay held at Palmerston North with trophy to Wellington. Positively enjoyed by the participants. Likely to be repeated in 2004.

Future Events

General Business

PNZ Report

PNZ Strategic Plan

Clubs have copies of these and need to uncover them to consider. Michael believes this plan will become a standing item for all future meetings.

National Doubles

The National Doubles will be held at Kapiti and it is the task of the WPA to ensure it will be a first class event. Some query as to the merits of limiting entries at National level.

WPA Constitution review

PNZ constitution requires a regional delegate. No need seen to change WPA rules at this stage.


2004 Calendar has been completed.

Lindsay Skinner raised the matter of timing of all affiliation fees.

Wishing you all the best in Season's Greetings and for peace and Pétanque in 2004

Louise Sligo