Held on Thursday, 17 October 2024, 7.30pm via Zoom.
Brian Smith (Treasurer, Upper Hutt)
Hataitai representative
Minutes confirmed as true and accurate record, moved Kevin seconded Janet
In (all email): 5 September 24 - PNZ – entry forms for National Doubles and Pointing in Dunedin 23 September 24 – Sport Integrity Commission – Inviting submissions on draft integrity code 1 October 24 - PNZ – Entry forms for National Singles and Doubles
Out: 18 September 24 - Sharon at Summerset – information on petanque pistes
Claire B saw Sharon on site and made several suggestions, and invited residents to visit Silverstream.
Brian was absent but his report was studied. Hataitai have since paid subs for 5 members, which is below the minimum threshold of 6 required by PNZ for affiliation. Also no member list has been supplied. Simon to follow up with Hataitai, Claire will talk to Myles at Kapiti next weekend. Treasurer’s report accepted, moved Claire B, seconded Paul
Graeme will use Swiss system at Kapiti next weekend. Some teams will only have 3 games on day 2. Kevin will help Brett with the seedings which determines the draw for the first round. Looking at using the Swiss system for future 2 day tournaments. Kevin/ Graeme/ Claire B will review the season after the last tournament this year.
Only seven players enrolled for the shooting competition, ideally should have at least eight, but will proceed anyway.
Senior doubles entry form should have stated 60 as the minimum age.
Umpires allocated except for senior doubles.
No issues.
Pete Hamilton Triples to be held 16th and 17th November, Twenty six teams already entered. Will bring entry forms to WPA Doubles Tournament. Club going well.
Going well. Started Thursday club days after winter. A dozen or so turn up. Two new members bringing total to 26.
Held Same Club Doubles at weekend with 30 entries. Good turnout each club day.
Two new club members joined September and possibly a Bowling Club member is thinking of joining. Eight to 10 players turn up each playing day.
Busy few weeks ahead with WPA Doubles then PNZ Singles and Doubles. Singles have 50 entries and Doubles have 38 teams entered so far. The pistes will have to be re-strung and will be narrower than usual. Suggest to PNZ that they stipulate maximum number of entries on the Entry Form. Club going well.
More Harawiras are joining. Seejay should stipulate which club he wants to affiliate to. Good turnout and have 11 players playing this weekend.
Club Doubles on 9/11. Slowly increasing in membership. A new member will be joining at the weekend.
Club Singles won by Derek Worsley. Membership steady, about 50, 25 turning up each club day. Getting ready to host the Tri-Star. Had a successful win over Masterton for the JC Trophy. Planning the 30th Anniversary.
Lost the JC Trophy challenge. Singles and Doubles fairly close but lost overall 9-nil. Club Championship Singles was won by Graeme Morris for the 1st time. 14-18 on most club days.
No attendance, no report
Incorporated Societies; Incorporated Societies Act. Waiting on PNZ to finish their Constitution before proceeding any further.
Manawatu, Horowhenua and Kapiti have the capability and personnel to run a Swiss Tournament.
Naenae have been looking at a different system which they think is simpler but it was agreed that we would only have one system. The system they were looking at was ‘petanque tournament app’.
Stefany Frost will be running a workshop to learn the Swiss system on Thursday 7/11 at Horowhenua. Stefany will be in touch with those that wish to learn.
Meeting closed 8:53pm
Next meeting 12 December 2024
Simon Grant (WPA secretary) / Val Clark (Otaki)