Held on Thursday, 15 August 2024, 7.30pm via Zoom.
Paul Bonsey (Upper Hutt), Adrienne Gwerder (Upper Hutt), Val Clark (Otaki)
Hataitai representative
In “Apologies”, Claire Wilson is from Wanganui East, not Manawatu, otherwise accepted as a true and accurate record, Moved Kevin, Seconded Janet
In (all email): 8 July 24 - NukuOra – Wellington Regional Sports Awards Nominations 26 June 24 – PNZ - Nadine Simpson, PNZ, running umpiring workshops
Out: None
Michael Rocks has been nominated by several Naenae Club members for a leadership award.
The umpiring workshops are aimed at all levels of umpires. There are five nominations so far with probably two more coming from Silverstream. Regional or national exams may be taken, depending on the registrations received.
A report has not been circulated as the expenditure is relatively small and no income has been received.
Subs are due by 14 September. The Secretary will send out invoices.
Kevin moved non playing umpires and coaches should receive payments of 50c per kilometre and other reasonable expenses. Seconded Claire W. Passed. If the coach has to play unexpectedly, payment for expenses would be considered on a case-by-case basis. Clive asked if Te Wai from Wanganui should get payment for expenses in travelling to Naenae to sit umpire exams. Claire asked if she would commit to being a regional umpire. Clive will check with her.
Graeme will get out the first entry forms for tournaments this coming weekend.
See also “Matters Arising” and “Treasurer’s Report” Clive has taken over the role of Umpiring Co-ordinator from Tony Simpson. He has asked all local umpires what they are prepared to do and has heard from all except Barbara Whittington. The biggest problem is umpires generally wish to play and may also be involved in coaching. Nevertheless, umpiring for tournaments has largely been sorted, except for the singles and mixed doubles tournaments. Graeme may not enter the singles and may be available for umpiring.
Generally, no problems.
have 25 members, played for Central District’s Shield, now only have to pay $30 social club membership annually to bowling club
Melee next Sunday 52 players entered, a member, James Carlsen has passed away
Good turnouts, new uniforms, club melee next weekend
Good turnouts, travelled to Otaki to play for Central District’s Shield and BBQ
Otaki – Core of 10 people on club days, won Central District’s Shield by 1 point
Successful mixed triples tournament, raised $600+ for team members to travel to represent WPA
Good turnouts, retained J.C. against Naenae
Didn’t do well in J.C., otherwise going well
No attendance, no report
Will be busy times hosting tournaments, Rex Hayes Memorial, WPA and National events. Liaising with Michael Rocks on rewriting protocols for running tournaments
Incorporated Societies; Draft available, Claire, Simon and Kevin to liaise to sort out
Stefany Frost will be in the area in early November and may run a seminar for running a tournament.
Claire B suggested considering a new web site for the WPA.
Meeting concluded 9:05pm
Next meeting 17 October 2024
Simon Grant WPA Secretary