Held on Thursday, 14 December 2023, 7.30pm via Zoom.
Kevin McFadgen (President, Kapiti). Meeting to be cheers by Claire B
Accepted as a true and accurate record, Moved Judith, Seconded Janet
Kevin was to draft a letter to PNZ. Graeme has seen a copy but does not know if the letter has been sent (Kevin is sick).
As per agenda, two newsletters from PNZ.
Presented by Brian. Claire thanked Brian for a clear (Claire?) list of items that have been paid. Now we have two members who can operate the bank account, Kevin and Brian. Kevin is a temporary signatory and will have to fill in more forms to become permanent. Has had to break a term deposit to free up money for ready cash.
Val had presented a report re WPA Open Triples at Otaki. Some members had paid their entry fee into the Otaki Bowling Club Account rather than the WPA’s, which caused much unnecessary confusion. Claire stressed that entrants for future tournaments should be careful to pay into the correct bank account.
Graeme said late entries for future tournaments should not be accepted except if necessary to even up numbers competing.
Claire said the selector for the PNZ Senior team has Covid which has delayed the announcement of the national senior team. In the meantime, Michelle, Debby and Shirley are congratulated for making the NZ Open team to play Australia in Perth.
Bruce asked will the entrants for the WPA Pointing Competition be refunded their $5 entry fee because the event was cancelled. Claire to investigate.
Unknown, Tony not in attendance.
Nothing of note.
Their emails seem to be getting through as normal. Christmas function last Friday.
Very successful Pete Hamilton tournament. Recently had a medical emergency when a player was taken to hospital. They will compile an emergency contact list which will be stored with the first aid kit and suggest other clubs do likewise.
Graeme is in Hawaii, and can’t see the recent snow on the Tararuas. Congratulations to Upper Hutt who retained the Jacques Cochonnet trophy against them.
Forty at their Christmas party last Tuesday, get up to 24-26 on playing days
New Year melee 6 January, have 6 – 10 members on playing days, had 16 at their Christmas function.
Claire has been away often recently but looking forward to an upcoming fun afternoon in January, for family, friends, Romans and countrymen/women.
Upgrades to their grounds have been completed and attract much interest. Parking is a problem on Sundays.
Progressing nicely, 41 members, 25 paid for Christmas function next Saturday. Hospice Challenge event in February. Jackie Stonehouse was taken to hospital with breathing problems, where she picked up Covid.
No attendance, no report
Lynne Shepherd passed away early November, a nice lady who will be sorely missed. Otherwise no news, in Kevin’s absence.
Constituion / Incorporated Societies; A preliminary draft Constitution based on a model from the Incorporated Societies website has been sent to all Clubs for comment. Bruce only member to comment. Basically we can have a long version (30+ pages) or short version (3+pages). Members present preferred the longer version, which should be approved more readily as it came mainly from the Incorporated Societies website. Aim to have draft Constitution for review by Craig McFarlane of Sport NZ by end of January. Claire to arrange meeting with Craig. No need for all affiliated Clubs to be incorporated. A three person committee was agreed to, the lowest number permitted by the Act.
Wellington came 3rd from 4. Graeme was pleased with the result as Wellington played teams laden with NZ Reps.
Graeme advises 7 or 8 entries have been received for the forthcoming Hospice Tournament, and asked all Clubs to promote the event. Graeme will to talk to Bruce in person. Claire suggests someone talk to Te Omanga re further publicity. Upper Hutt offered to host the tournament in 2025.
Richard Browne has contacted Claire re gear for a group of 30 or 40 who played at Waitangi Park on Tuesdays.
Meeting concluded 8:40pm
Next meeting Thursday 15 February 2024 at 7.30pm.
Simon Grant WPA Secretary