WPA Committee Meeting Minutes

Held on Thursday, 19 October 2023, 7.30pm via Zoom.




Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 17 August 2023

Accepted as a true and accurate record, Moved Kevin, Seconded Claire (Wilson)

Matters Arising

Janet said that Horowhenua did not have ready access to a defibrillator, and will approach St Johns.


Treasurer’s Report

Brian still has had trouble setting up the bank account with BNZ. Claire (Bradburn) has in the meantime paid some bills, had forms resigned and provided BNZ with a constitution. Claire will contact the bank tomorrow and let Kevin and Brian know how she got on. The Secretary has received correspondence relating to catering for the Chanticleer Cup, which will be forwarded to the Treasurer.

WPA tournaments / Events:

Discussion on whether these events should be 1 or 2 days. The recent one day mixed doubles at Horowhenua finished in the dark, which may have cost the runners up first place. On the other hand there would likely be fewer competitors in a two day event, because of duplicated travel. Claire, Kevin and Graeme will reassess the calendar for next year, taking into account daylight saving and after PNZ dates have been set. Bruce asked what happened about the pointing competition. Kevin replied it was cancelled as was getting too dark.


Generally quiet. The umpires for this year have been sorted. Claire reported that in a float test most of her coches sank (contravening official petanque rules). Tony has given up writing reports as he never gets any acknowledgement or reply from Nadine. Kevin will draft a letter to PNZ asking if Nadine is still the contact person and is there a communication problem?


Minor glitch with reporting of results from WPA Regional Doubles at Kapiti. Kevin accepted responsibility. Graeme asked do we still want to update the seeding list? He is happy to update after the forthcoming singles.

Club Reports


Co-captain Vaughan Husband has quit, will be moving north. He sent a nice thank you email to Graeme

Wanganui East

5 slots left in the forthcoming Pete Hamilton tournament


Good turnouts, often 18 – 20 players.


Tournaments they have hosted have gone well. They have had several new members but all social elderly players.


Will be hosting open triples, will send out entry forms in November. Claire asks if all Clubs when sending out entry forms require entries to be closed at least 10 days before the event.


Progressing well, suggests Clubs look at having a family day

Upper Hutt

Upgrades to their grounds have been completed and attract much interest. Parking is a problem on Sundays.


2 members have had a recent day with Stefany Frost re running software for tournaments. Next Saturday (21 Oct) Club triples. Naenae Doubles 11 Nov, working towards Hospice Challenge event in February. Suggests more umpire training through PNZ.


No attendance, no report


Busy, hosting tournaments, JC Challenge. Michelle Maxwell and Kevin will run a training seminar next Saturday. Graeme Hooper is not well, Lynne Shepherd is bed ridden.

General Business

Incorporated Societies; A preliminary draft Constitution has been sent to all Clubs for comment. The only response was scathing comments from Brian, in particular the clauses relating to disputes and one sentence had 102 words. Claire replied that the Constitution currently circulated was only draft for comment. Simon replied that the Constitution is a work in progress and has already been modified. Bruce asked if the latest version could be circulated. Claire and Simon will liaise with Barbara Whittington to see if we can come up with a Constitution with PNZ.

Issues raised by Bruce, on behalf of Michael Rocks (Naenae), following the Regional Doubles at Kapiti;

Claire (Bradburn) suggested looking at a Swiss system for the future.

Affiliation Fees, Invoicing

With the change of Treasurer, the invoicing of affiliation fees has not been done, and the fees are some months overdue. The Secretary will invoice the Clubs and ask for member details.

Meeting closed at 9:17pm

Next meeting Thursday 14 December 2023 at 7.30pm.

Simon Grant WPA Secretary