Held on Thursday, 4 May 2023, 7.30pm via Zoom.
Simon Grant (Secretary) Michael Rocks (Treasurer) Tony Simpson (Umpire Co-Ordinator)
Taken as read.
Moved Val Seconded Bruce. Carried.
Reply to Richard suggesting he raise his concerns about the rules with his Club
Has been distributed.
Michael reported that Tournament Expenses were higher than Tournament Income. Claire suggested the allocation of the cost of coaching and the training of Representatives be split into “Coaching” and “Representation” rather than being lumped together under one heading. The coaching/training of players vying for selection in the representative teams has widened over the past years as more players seek to improve their play. This natural progression needs to be identified in the accounts.
Janet queried Sundry Expenses which included badges for tournaments and they are bought in bulk. Room hire includes the cost of Zoom.
Moved Michael Seconded Claire B Carried
Since the last WPA Meeting we have had the Women’s Doubles and Triples tournaments which went well and also the Champion of Champion Tournaments, Singles and Doubles at Otaki and Triples at Silverstream.
All clubs present agreed with the C of C Tournaments being held towards the end of the Season but to take in consideration the fading light towards the end of April.
Tony reported that all was well and Andy had umpired the Women’s Doubles and Triples. Tony did the C of C singles for a couple of games and Claire did the C of C Doubles. Tony has a couple of names wanting to umpire and will be in touch with Nadine.
Anne reported that all was going well. Simon said that they would be away and Michael would fill in for them.
Beat Silverstream for the JC Cup, Upper Hutt defaulted and have a challenge against Kapiti on Saturday. Good turnout due to warm weather
Business as usual, plenty of people turning up because of fine weather.
4 new members but have lost some.
Good turn out. New people are entering competitions.
Murrayfield Open Triples this weekend. Expect to lose quite a few members this coming season.
After losing a few members last season new players have since joined and some are going to Melees
Business as usual. Hosting the JC Cup this weekend. Encouraging new members to play in local competitions.
Successful melee last week. Next event on Bastille Day in July. Club closing for repairs. Upper Hutt have offered their pistes for members to play on.
Claire B proposed that the petrol allowance be increased to 50c and to be put to the AGM.
Seconded Janet. Carried
Michael pointed out that the Affiliation Fee is only to be used for running the WPA.
This needs to be discussed at the AGM whether to use some of our savings for expenses. Claire B will put something together before the AGM so that clubs can have a think before going to the AGM.
The Job Description for the Regional Coach is for representative coaching. This needed to be reviewed as the demand for coaching has expanded this roll.
The Incorporated Societies Act is still being looked at by the Government.
Bruce wanted clarification around who to contact when new members arrive at the club. Claire advised Bruce that under the Incorporated Societies Act WPA needed to be given information on each member. Michael was holding this information for WPA. Dave Gwerder also needed the names of members for when he checked tournament eligibility. Michael pointed out that an Induction Booklet be made available to new members.
Graeme is writing the history of Petanque in New Zealand.
Nominations for President, Secretary and Treasurer need to be sent to the Secretary before 20th May, 2023.
Claire and Graeme left the meeting and the remaining Management Committee supported a motion going to the AGM to vote on whether Graeme Morris and Claire Bradburn should become Life Members of the WPA.
Meeting closed at 8:30pm
Next meeting will be the AGM at Silverstream on Saturday 10th June, 2023 at 11.00am.
Val Clark Minute Secretary