Held on Thursday, 9 March 2023, 7.30pm via Zoom.
Simon Grant (Secretary) Michael Rocks (Treasurer) Tony Simpson (Umpire Co-Ordinator)
Judith Smith
Taken as read. There was a change, Lynne reported that the new trophy donated to the club by the Doyle family was for the Club Triples and not the Open Doubles.
Moved Claire B, Seconded Bruce. Carried.
3/2 - Congratulations to Michael, Tony and Clive for passing umpires exams.
Has been distributed.
Michael reported that Tournament Expenses have exceeded Tournament Income so that is showing as a loss. Claire reported that A One had billed some people personally instead of WPA. Claire will tidy up some accounts and then send them to Michael.
Moved Michael Seconded Claire W Carried
Since the WPA meeting of the 26th January the WPA has held the following events:
Events to come:
There is only one meeting before the AGM and clubs needs to report back regarding holding the Champion of Champions Tournaments either during the Season or at the end.
Michael will arrange for junior boules to be left at the Naenae Club for Claire to collect.
Tony thanked Simon and Claire for the information that he had received. Umpires are sorted for the rest of the season. He will email info out to umpires but requires the names of umpires who are prepared to participate. Tony said that Andy Gilbert wanted to refresh his knowledge and also there was another person that he had in mind.
Tony also said that he had tried to get in touch with Nadine by email but had had no response. Claire B will give Tony her telephone number. She had already given Nadine Tony’s Email address and telephone number.
Bruce queried the time taken at the end of the 4 games of Triples to arrange the quarter, semi and finals but it was pointed out that there is no way this could be sped up.
Anne reported that all was going well and Michael helps out when required. Thanks to Michael and Anne for this task.
Club Triples on Sunday. JC Challenge against Silverstream. Unfortunately they had had 2 deaths amongst their members. Good turnout on club days.
Club going really well. Had 4 new people. A lot of work had been done around the grounds. Carleen had organised this work.
52 members, 5 new people. 28 people to club day. Running their first tournament since Covid. 4 new pistes. Have a covered shelter and a fence around the piste area. Can now take 28 teams at a tournament.
Not a great deal to report. Have advertised in local paper. Will approach local colleges and Alan Taylor will organise.
Completed Open Triples. 11 teams entered, 1 team withdrew quite late. 5 potential new members. Running a Melee on 27th April. Club will be closed for the month of May for earthquake strengthening.
Not a lot to report, not many turning up for club day.
Good musters, 20 members today. Triples on 25th. Coaching is starting soon. 3 teams in WPA Triples.
Going to Wanganui East for JC Challenge. A few new members. 6 teams in club triples.
Myles has information on the defibrillator to send out. Claire will ask Myles to send the information to Simon for him to distribute to the Clubs.
All clubs agreed in principle to the increase in petrol allowance for officials at tournaments. Clubs to come back next meeting with the club’s response and how this extra expense can be financed.
Meeting closed at 8:30pm
Next meeting Thursday 4 May, 2023 at 7.30pm
Val Clark Minute Secretary