WPA Committee Meeting Minutes

Held on Thursday, 26 January 2023, 7.30pm via Zoom.


Club Delegates

Other Attendees

Simon Grant (Secretary) Michael Rocks (Treasurer)



Confirmation of previous minutes: Taken as read.

Moved Val, Seconded Janet. Carried.

Matters Arising






Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report has been distributed.

Michael reported that since the end of December Entry Fees had come in for the Triples and Women's Singles Events. There was a cash Entry Fee paid for the mixed doubles which needed to be refunded but Michael didn’t know to whom it belonged. The Policy for Refunds could be put on the Entry Form.

Moved Michael Seconded Lynne Carried

WPA Tournaments/Events

Congratulations to Christine Strichen, Claire Wilson and Michelle Maxwell for their selection in the Open Category for the Nationals and Yvonne Futcher and Ann Hogg for their selection in the Senior Women’s category.

Interclub this weekend at Horowhenua.

Singles Entry Form was late going out but there are many entries coming in.


Claire congratulated Tony Simpson and Clive Williams, for passing their Regional umpire exams and to Michael Rocks who is now a National Umpire.

She said we now have two additional Regional Umpires, bringing the active role to about 6/7. The number is not clear as the information on the WPA web site is out of date by several years. I looked on the PNZ site but couldn’t find the names.

I believe we need to sort this mess out so that we can move forward. To this end I propose we co-opt Tony Simpson to take on the role of Umpire Coordinator.

The reasons I propose Tony are many but most importantly he has shown an ongoing interest in umpiring in its overall position in our sport and has followed this up by becoming a Regional Umpire. Tony is also in the unfortunate position that he is unable to play at present but is keen to remain involved.

Umpire Coordinator Role

To ensure the information on the WPA web site is up to date.

To liaise with the other umpires in the WPA region (once they are known) with the aim of providing umpires for all WPA tournaments. This should spread the work load instead of one person doing everything or nobody doing anything as we have had in the past.

Once a network has been established the next step would be to be coordinator with the National Director of Umpiring regarding rule clarifications etc.

I move that this position be established and that Tony Simpson be co-opted/appointed to it.

Moved Claire B Seconded Graeme Carried.


Anne reported that all was going well. Anne and Simon were going away for two weeks and Michael has agreed to look after the website while they were away .

Club Reports

Wanganui East

Will be having a belated Christmas Party on Sunday 29th. They have a team in the Inter club.


Everything going along fine.


Have a team in the Interclub. Now have 41 members.

Upper Hutt

Going along fine. Upper Hutt Council has been doing some work around the grounds. Have a team in the Interclub. Not many players turning up on club day.


Charity match is full with a waiting list. They have good sponsorship. There has been a change to the terrain. Had some entertainment during the week when one of the big redwood trees was taken down. The Masterton Open Triples is on the weekend of 25th and 26th February.


Nothing to report.


Had the Open Doubles last weekend and a new trophy has been donated.


Ran the Open Triples prior to Christmas with 16 teams. The New Year Melee was not well supported but the weather played ball and it didn’t start raining until after lunch. The WPA Regional Triples will be held at Otaki on Saturday 18th February.


Numbers slowly increasing. An intermediate boy was brought along by his grandmother. Probably need four new pistes as the number of members turning up on club days is increasing.


Very slow at the moment. Had a team for Interclub.

General Business

Nothing happening with the Societies Act.

A thought for the clubs to ponder over before the next meeting. Claire has suggested that the mileage allowance of 30c per kilometre be increased to 40c/50c. Please respond at the next meeting.

Meeting closed at 8:22pm

Next meeting Thursday 9 March, 2023 at 7.30pm

Val Clark Minute Secretary