Held on Saturday, 10 June 2023 at the Silverstream Pétanque Club at 11:00 am
Michael Rocks (Treasurer), Claire Bradburn (Chairperson), Val Clark (minutes Secretary), Linley Wistrand (Otaki), Christine Strichen (Wanganui East), Doc Murray, David and Adrienne Gwerder, Brian Smith, Mary Khalil (Upper Hutt), Peter Matthews, Brian Bradburn (Silverstream), Bruce Stephenson (Naenae).
Claire Bradburn welcomed everybody to the meeting.
Simon and Anne Grant (Naenae), Janet Hall (Horowhenua).
The Minutes of the previous AGM (2022) had been distributed and were taken as read. Moved Claire Bradburn, Seconded Bruce Stephenson Carried.
The President’s report has been distributed. Claire reported that she appreciated all the support she had received from all the clubs when running tournaments.
The Financial Report had been distributed.
Michael reported that working with internet banking was a little difficult. Entries made by cash also caused problems.
This year there was a loss from tournaments. Some of the costs were not directly related to the tournament due to engraving done at a later date and entry fees may need to be increased. The Affiliation Fee pays for the running costs of the website, zoom meetings and rental of room for meetings. The cost of engraving and trophies has increased alongside everything else. Graeme Morris suggested that no change be made to any fees and use some of the money in the bank.
Michael answered and suggested that money could be paid back to clubs. Nothing had ever been agreed to how the money in Term Deposit be spent.
Triples was reduced from a 2 day to a 1 day event so that was a loss of income and also the Mixed Doubles Tournament was introduced incurring extra costs. Membership had dropped approx. 10% but tournament entries had increased slightly.
Actual increases in expenses since 2015 is 15% and then 2021 another 15%. Tournaments generally run even but we need to pay for the representative process.
It was moved that fees be held at the same level and use some of the money from Term Deposit. Moved Graeme Morris Seconded Paul Bonsey Carried
Has been distributed. Moved Claire Bradburn Seconded Bruce Stephenson Carried
Judith reported that Manawatu ran the Women’s Tournaments which went well but needed a little bit of help.
Val Reported that the Triples and Champion of Champions Singles and Doubles went well thanks in part to Gary Brunton.
Kevin reported that at Kapiti the work fell on to a few members only. Silverstream suggested that the Champion of Champion Tournaments may need to be held a little earlier owing to daylight saving finishing early April.
Masterton can use a computer programme and also Horowhenua. Judith Smith at Manawatu is learning the programme.
Graeme Morris reported that there were 5 training days with up to 46 players. The Job Description allows for club players and rep players to be included in the programme. Thanks to Shirley Macdonald, Barbara Nicholls and Dave Gatchell for their assistance. Dave Gatchell is not available this year Graeme thinks they will manage.
The Chanticleer was won by Wellington last year due mainly to the Team Culture within the team. This year the Tournament will be held at Manawatu.
The Tri Star is due to be held at Christchurch this year.
Kevin McFadgen moved Graeme Morris Seconded Claire Bradburn
Simon Grant moved Claire Bradburn Seconded Brian Bradburn
Brian Smith moved Claire Bradburn Seconded Rachel Clarke
Umpire Co-Ordinator Tony Simpson
Regional Coach Graeme Morris
Website Co-ordinator Anne Grant
Have all agreed to accept these positions.
Affiliation Fees will remain the same as previous year and Tournament fees will be $10 per player per day.
Moved Graeme Morris Seconded Carolyn Graham. Carried
The Reimbursement Fees will remain the same as previous year. Terrain hire:
Moved Claire Bradburn, Seconded Judith Smith - carried
As the Treasurer has changed the Administrator of the Bank Account needs to be ratified at the Bank. Brian Smith will be administrator, Kevin McFadgen will be a signatory and also Claire Bradburn.
Notice of Motion – Re Life Membership for Graeme Morris and Claire Bradburn. A summary of duties had been circulated earlier. This was carried unanimously.
Brian Smith reported that PNZ had moved away from Life Membership and now have a Service Award. It was recommended that a Service Award could be added to the Constitution and the new Committee will need to look at this.
Notice of Motion – Re Change of rules for Champion of Champions was unanimously rejected.
Notice of Motion - Increased Mileage Allowance for travel to 50cents, passed unanimously.
The next AGM will be held on Saturday 15th June, 2023 on the Kapiti Coast.
The meeting closed at 12.15pm.
Val Clark Minute Secretary