WPA Annual General Meeting 2022

Held on Saturday, 18 June 2022 at the Horowhenua Pétanque Club at 10:00 am

Club Delegates

Other Attendees

Marie and Gavin Jones, Judy Tyree, Allan Hall, Brian Eastman, Carleen Fitzgerald, Ann Hogg, Jan Haumaha (Horowhenua) Noeline and David Corley, Carolyn Graham, Barbara Nicholls (Otaki), Claire Wilson (Wanganui East), Christine Daykin, Judith Smith (Manawatu) Cheryl Juno (Kapiti) Brian Bradburn (Silverstream)

Claire Bradburn welcomed everybody to the meeting and asked all to stand for the passing of Fay Doyle who had been a member of WPA for many years and a past President.


Ngaire Erickson, John and Patricia Galbraith, Sue Gibson, Rachel Clarke, Margret Fleck and David Smart.

Confirmation of Minutes

The Minutes of the previous AGM (2021) had been distributed and were taken as read. Claire moved an amendment to the minutes which should read (last paragraph). It was moved that the Constitution be changed to read “4.2 That Clubs affiliated to or wishing to affiliate to the WPA must also affiliate to or be affiliated to Petanque NZ.

Moved: Trish Smart, seconded Lynne Shepherd - carried.

Matters Arising

When asked, Michael reported that Khandallah was unable to affiliate to PNZ as it does not have enough members. According to the PNZ Constitution clubs wishing to affiliate to PNZ must have at least 6 members. As Khandallah is not affiliated to PNZ it cannot be affilliated to WPA. At that time Michael chose to leave the meeting.

President's report

The President’s report has been distributed. Claire reported that there is a problem with the website. Anne and Simon Grant have offered to take over the website but the information had not been passed to them. Moises has offered to help Anne and Simon in conjunction with Michael.

Moved: Claire Bradburn, Seconded Lynne Shepherd - Carried.

Financial Report

The Treasurer's Report had been distributed.

In the absence of the treasurer Claire reported that there were a few errors in the Tournament Cost Breakdown page of the report but as it did not change the financial position of the WPA it be removed from the Report. There are three trophies to be added to the non-cash assets. These are Champion of Champion Singles, Double and Triples.

Moved: Janet Hall, Seconded Simon Grant - that the Financial Report minus The Tournament Cost Breakdown and with the addition of the three trophies be approved – carried.


Christine asked for feedback from the clubs re the format of Interclub. Clubs were asked for this at the March meeting. This format was agreed to be tried for two years and Christine agreed to run it again.

Tournament Subcommittee Report

Claire Wilson read the report for Michael and is attached to the minutes. Christine thanked Horowhenua Club for the running of the Regional Tournaments throughout the season. The JC Trophy is to be updated after each win. A proposal on a tournament for emerging players will be discussed at the next WPA meeting.

Regional Coaches Report

Graeme spoke to the report which had been distributed. The Tri-Star Tournament was hosted by NaeNae and was very well run. Chanticleer was not held last year but is due to be held in August. The Haines Cup has not been played for a number of years. The Tri-Star will be held at Dunedin in November.

There are a lot of members joining the squad training sessions.

Claire floated the proposal that the cost of regional coaching be separated from representative coaching.

Myles pointed out that in other sports they were very separate. The Regional Coach will look at splitting the costs when the Coaching budget is presented.

Election of Officers


Claire Bradburn. Moved Graeme Morris, Seconded Trish Smart


Simon Grant. Moved Claire Bradburn, Seconded Barbara Nicholls

Minute Secretary

Val Clark. Moved Claire Bradburn, Seconded Trish Smart


Michael Rocks. Simon has the nomination form with mover and seconder.


Tournament Sub-Committee. No appointments at this meeting. Claire suggested that all clubs take responsibility for running the WPA Tournaments. The calendar should be the basis of the tournaments. Myles suggested that a set of rules be set out so clubs would know what was required to run the tournaments. Christine suggested a roster be set but only if a club had the skills available. Claire will put together a calendar and consult with other experienced members. She will get back to Clubs once more information is available.

Regional Coach and Selectors

Graeme Morris to continue as Coach and has the help of Shirley Macdonald, Dave Gatchell and Barbara Nicholls.


Kevin McFadgen, Shirley Macdonald and Dave Gatchell


Simon and Anne Grant

Affiliation Fees

Affiliation Fees will remain the same as previous year and Tournament fees will be $10 per player per day.

Moved Claire Bradburn, Seconded Lynne Shepherd – Carried

The Reimbursement Fees will remain the same as previous year.

Moved Claire Bradburn, Seconded Judith Smith - carried

General Business

Women’s Doubles and Triples tournament

The motion was - that the Women’s Doubles and Triples Tournaments be titled and treated as Championships from the coming season onwards.

Moved Claire Bradburn, Seconded Graeme Morris Carried

Changes to the Constitution

A Special General Meeting is to be held to update the Constitution.

Moved Claire Bradburn, Seconded Carolyn Graham

A request from John Galbraith regarding the wearing of Club shirts will be held over to the next WPA meeting.

The next AGM will be held on Saturday 10th June, 2023 at Silverstream at 10.00am.

The meeting closed at 12.15pm.

Val Clark Minute Secretary