Held on Thursday, 20 October 2022, 7.30pm via Zoom.
Simon Grant (Secretary) Michael Rocks (Treasurer) Judith Smith (Manawatu)
Myles was unable to connect and should be an apology.
Moved Val, Seconded Janet Hall. Carried.
Moved Lynne, Seconded Bruce
The Treasurer’s Report has been distributed. Club membership numbers to come. Entries for the WPA Tournaments do not correspond with payments. The Treasurer needs a list of entries so that entries and fees can be matched. Claire asked Michael to let her know of any reconciliation problems with entry fees in the Singles and Mixed Doubles as she was aware of some changes that had been made.
The President paid for all trophies personally because the Treasurer had not responded to requests to contact her, and she had no time to organise order numbers from the Treasurer. Myles pointed out that an invoice should have been presented to the Treasurer to keep the books in order, and said that the President had exceeded her remit. The President advised that she had sent the Treasurer a claim with the invoices and a schedule which detailed which event the items on the invoices should be allocated to. She also explained that she had introduced the use of order numbers to make it easier for the Treasurer to know what the invoices were for. They were not an authority to purchase as was often the case in a commercial enterprise.
Moved Janet Seconded Claire W
Claire B reported on tournaments. Mixed Doubles was up 50%, Pointing was down. Singles average and Doubles slightly down. Shooting was cancelled as only 3 entries. Claire B went back to a number of doubles entries and asked if there was more interest in shooting.
The Report from Horowhenua will be resent. Janet reported that everything went well with the tournaments that they hosted and Claire B thanked Horowhenua.
Claire B suggested that Michael design a Claims Form so the Treasurer would know to whom payment should be made for scoring, umpiring, hosting etc. It should include the level of payments clubs were entitled to.
Correspondence to Horowhenua should be re-directed to Janet as Ngaire is away.
The Doubles Tournament started off with 24 entries, then 23 entries and then dropped down to 22. During the first game there was a medical incident that required an ambulance which meant two byes on the first day but righted itself on the second day. The response to the medical event was very calmly and very well handled. Graeme suggested that the entry fee be refunded to the Corleys as they only played a couple of ends.
Claire W suggested that as all members were getting older that a First Aid person be present at all events. Also to check where there was a de-frib located. Claire asked Myles to look into the cost of a de-frib. Kapiti. Otaki, Horowhenua and Upper Hutt do not already have them.
Clive Williams has umpired on 3 occasions and has given dates when he is next available.
Thanks to Anne Grant for her work on the website.
Claire B has looked at software for electronic entries. Michael advised the website is due for renewal. This is something to think about.
Late communications: An email was sent from PNZ regarding a seminar on how to run tournaments was not received by all clubs. Claire W suggested that Janet email PNZ regarding having one at the National Senior Doubles.
The suggested tournament for emerging players be played at NaeNae.
Myles wanted the President, Secretary and Treasurer to work together more professionally, particularly the President and Treasurer. He pointed out that he did not have confidence in the situation at present and for the betterment of petanque this should be remedied.
Meeting closed at 9:02pm
Next meeting Thursday 8th December, 2022 at 7.30pm
Val Clark Minute Secretary