Held on Thursday, 08 September 2022 via Zoom.
Simon Grant (Secretary) Michael Rocks (Treasurer) Judith Smith (Manawatu)
Claire Wilson was unable to connect
Taken as read
Moved Val, Seconded Janet Hall. Carried.
Moved Claire Seconded Lynne Carried
There are 36 entries for the Mixed Doubles. When asked to show Anne how to do the electronic entries Michael advised WPA need to purchase the software for electronic entries as he owned it. Claire will investigate. A suitable purchase in the region of $300 was approved.
Moved Claire Bradburn – Seconded Graeme Carried
There are no trophies coming into the country at present although there are still stocks available. It was agreed that Claire make a bulk purchase.
Nadine is running an umpiring course at Kapiti on 12th and 13th November.
Use the webmaster email which is on the web site.
The Chanticleer Tournament was held in Auckland late August and Wellington won the Trophy. It was agreed that the engraving of the Trophy should mention that the Trophy was not competed for in the years 2020 and 2021. Graeme is preparing a report which will be placed on the website. Tri Star is being held at the end of October in Dunedin. A team of 6 will compete at this event.
A Tournament for Emerging Players will be put on the back burner because the calendar is very full.
Payment for mileage for Umpires, Coaches needs to be reviewed due to the enormous cost of fuel. Claire will put together a proposal.
Two loads of gravel has been spread on the pistes They are holding the Ryman’s Melee on the 1st October with a first prize of $120.
Good turn out on Club Days. Three people are going to Kapiti on Saturday. A give-it-a-go day has been arranged with local schools.
Open Day on Sunday 11th September.
Council workmen have started on the pistes but there needs to be more dialogue with the Council as to how the pistes are to be laid out.
Numbers are OK. A monthly newsletter is being printed. They are holding a Doubles Tournament in November.
Very good. A couple of new members and some Associated Members from Bay View.
25 Pistes are ready for the up-coming tournaments. 1 new member.
JC Challenge at Manawatu on Sunday.
Next meeting Thursday 20th October, 2022 at 7.30pm
Meeting closed at 8:35pm
Val Clark Minute Secretary