Held on Thursday, 28 July 2022 via Zoom.
Claire Bradburn
Michael Rocks (Treasurer) Simon Grant (Secretary) Anne Grant (Naenae) Judith Smith (Manawatu)
Moved Simon Grant, Seconded Janet Hall. Carried.
Moved Claire Bradburn – Seconded Christine Strichen Carried
Michael said that it was a very quiet time of the year. All outstanding fees have been paid.
Moved Michael Rocks- Seconded Claire Bradburn
The Calendar is on the website and Claire will allocate events next week. As the National Mixed Doubles Tournament has been allocated to Horowhenua so the WPA Regional Mixed Doubles Tournament will be held at Horowhenua. The same applies to the National Senior Doubles Tournament which will be held at Kapiti the WPA Regional Senior Doubles Tournament will be held at Kapiti.
Information on organisation of events will be held over to the next meeting.
Payment for organising club will also be held over to the next meeting.
Change to Jacques Cochonnet rules to allow for an on line draw. The rules have been distributed and the item in Article 2, second paragraph marked in red will be removed. Moved Claire Bradburn – Seconded Bruce McDonald Carried
Two tournaments to be added to the calendar are the Mixed Doubles and the Senior Doubles. Moved Claire Bradburn – Seconded Bruce McDonald Carried
Anne Grant has taken over the running of the website and information should be sent to: annesimonnz@gmail.com
Incorporated Societies Act - to be held over to next meeting. Covid – WPA will allow unvaccinated players to participate in tournaments but sometimes it could depend on the venue. Club can make up their own rules, some clubs are dependent on the controlling body of their grounds.
Club should be encouraged to wear club shirts at all club events – i.e. JC Trophy, Interclub and Champion of Champion Tournaments. Moved Bruce McDonald – Seconded Graeme Morris Carried Christine Strichen voted against this move. Christine wanted it to be mandatory. This is to be monitored over the coming season. It was pointed out that PNZ encourage that all teams wear the same shirts when competing in National Tournaments. WPA could take the same approach.
Club going well. Covid a bit of a problem
No change in membership. Awaiting Council to do something with the pistes. They are changing their uniform.
Everything is fine.
In the process of putting in magnets to change size of pistes for National Tournaments. Their Winter melee was postponed. They have another change for the JC Trophy this week.
One new member. Had a very successful Bastille Day.
Three new members. Also had a successful Bastille Day, had maximum numbers and a waiting list.
AGM last Sunday. Good turnout. Have a Melee in August.
A few members with covid. Lost some playing days due to wet weather. They have the Baine Tournament coming up.
12 people went to Masterton. New uniforms are coming.
to be held over
There are still two rounds to play.
Meeting closed at 8:40pm
Val Clark Minute Secretary
n.b. Emails for the web master should be sent to webmaster@petanque.org.nz not to the address shown above.
JC Rules, Article 3, The former holder does not join the challenge round until the next draw. In other words the last winner of the current round has their name removed from the draw below.