Held on Thursday, 27 January 2022 via Zoom.
Claire Bradburn
An amendment to the Minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday, 9 December. Janet Hall apologised for missing the last meeting. Wanganui East Vaccine Protocols was missing from minutes and were same as all clubs.
Moved Claire, Seconded Lynne.
Moved Trish – Seconded Claire Carried.
Claire pointed out that we do need somebody to run the website and not to rely on Michael as he is the Treasurer and on the Tournament Sub-Committee. Claire has been speaking to John Galbraith who has shown some interest. In the meantime clubs who wish to put notices on the website should instead send them direct to clubs.
The Treasurer’s Report has been distributed. Michael noted that December had more expenses than income and January has more income than expenses but it is swings and roundabouts.
Moved Michael - Seconded Val
The Report has been distributed. Claire enquired as to why Silverstream had not been offered a Champion of Champions Tournament and that both the doubles and singles had gone to NaeNae. Michael said that it made sense to have them at the same venue as they were on consecutive days.
Christine, who is running the interclub pointed out that draws were not planned for in the Interclub and extra ends would be played should there be a draw after normal time. Claire stressed the importance of communication between the Tournament Sub-Committee and those people running tournaments.
The report was amended to read: One day events will be reduced to 50mins plus one end for all games. Draws are permitted other than in interclub where in the case of a draw an extra end will be played.
Moved Michael – Seconded Val Carried
At the moment while the country is in red traffic light setting there is no need to cancel any national tournaments as players can easily travel, the only restrictions will be numbers and they have to be below 100 including umpires. Members running the tournaments are not counted in the 100 restriction.
Kapiti Open Doubles was a success.
Thanks to Kapiti for a tournament well run.
Normal club days. Hospice Tournament is looking good, but is limited to 40 Players.
Going well, masks to be worn inside except when eating or drinking.
Nothing to report, still waiting to hear from the Council.
Tournament coming up in March.
New gravel on pistes.
Everything ticking along fine looking forward to the tournaments that will be held there.
Nothing to report.
Myles played his 1st game at Hataitai for 5 years. They had one person showing an interest in joining.
About to get a new member. Fairly active group. Things are going well. Claire asked Michael for a list of new Silverstream members.
Next meeting Thursday 24th March 2022.
Meeting closed at 8:30pm
Val Clark
Minute Secretary