WPA Committee Meeting Minutes

Held on Thursday,9 December 2021 via Zoom.


Claire Bradburn

Club Delegates


Paul Bonsey (Upper Hutt)

Previous Minutes

An amendment to the minutes. The Financial Report should read moved by Claire and seconded by Christine.

Moved Claire, Seconded Christine. Carried.

Matters Arising

After exchange rates the cost for Zoom was $216.15 and any group can get together on Zoom on this account.

Correspondence In



Treasurer’s Report

The 2nd Term Deposit has rolled over with a slight increase in rates. Internet Rates have increased. The provider’s business has been sold to an Australian Company. If the new provider is not satisfactory a NZ provider will be looked into. An account for shirts to come.

Moved Michael, Seconded Claire that the report be received. Carried.

Tournament Sub-Committee Report

The report has been distributed. It was suggested that the JC Draw be held at the Open Triples. A notice to be advertised that a General meeting will be held this weekend at which the JC Draw will be made. The Tournament Sub-committee will review the JC rules to take into account the lack of opportunities to do a draw due to the use of Zoom meetings. A new date for the Open Triples may be set for other years.

Moved Michael, Seconded Christine

Regional Coach

A formal report on the Tri-Star will be presented at the AGM. The results will be published on the website. The Trophy was won by Southern, Second Canterbury, Third Wellington Gold and Fourth Wellington Black. Photos of the Tri-Star has been put on the NaeNae Facebook Page. Has been distributed and will be presented again at the next meeting.


Claire reported that Nadine will get back to people re their exams.

Covid Protocol

Entry Forms should read that participants should show their vaccine pass at all WPA Events.

Moved Christine Strichen Seconded Claire Bradburn Carried

Claire wished everybody a very Merry Christmas.

Graeme Morris reminded everybody that there would be a Charity Melee at Wanganui East on February 5th.

Next Meeting January 27th 2022. A change will be made to the advertised date for the March Meeting. Once the date has been decided all Clubs will be advised.

Meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Val Clark
Minute Secretary