WPA Committee Meeting Minutes

Held on Thursday,28 October 2021 via Zoom.


Claire Bradburn

Club Delegates


Val Clark, Lynne Shepherd

Previous Minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and accepted.

Moved Claire, Seconded Trish.

Matters Arising


Correspondence In

Notice from PNZ advising cancellation of all tournaments until the end of the year.

Correspondence Out


Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Michael, as previously distributed to all clubs by email. Claire advised there would be an account coming through for Zoom meetings, approx $200 for the year. Michael advised the Google alternative is free. The Committee voted to continue with Zoom and pay $200.

Moved Claire, Seconded Lynne.

Tournament Sub-Committee Report

The Tournament Sub-Committee report was presented by Michael, as previously distributed to all clubs by email. Graeme asked why there was a mistake in the scoring of the mixed doubles. Michael replied it was due to human error. Graeme asked that the scoring system be reviewed to reduce the likelihood of future errors. In the singles, Christine said some members were confused as to which division they were to play their final games in. The Tournament Sub Committee is to consider how division names could be altered to make this clearer for future tournaments. Claire hopes non playing umpires will be available for future tournaments. At present we have 4 regional umpires in the region. Michael advised the meeting that Barbara Whittington was not interested in Umpiring.

Regional Coach

Graeme reports this is continuing, with one more training session to come before finalising the team for the Tri-Star.


A number of people participated in virtual umpire training run by Nadine Simpson Clive Williams sat a test and is qualified as a Club umpire. Others are expected to do the test.

Uniform Protocol

A protocol submission for uniforms for WPA representatives had been previously circulated to all Clubs. It was voted and carried that the jacket and cap should be included in the uniform (which is currently one polo shirt) to be purchased by the WPA, free of charge to the representative. The uniform is to be presented to the representative at the start the tournament, which is considered to be the night before play commences when practical. Paul enquired if uniforms could be purchased by WPA members at their expense, less tournament insignia etc. Claire will consider this.

Covid Protocol

A submission on Covid protocol had previously been circulated to all Clubs. Generally most members were unhappy at the prospect of playing with unvaccinated players. PNZ has not received any guidance from Sports NZ and as some clubs hadn’t been able to consider the proposal it was decided not to do anything in the meantime. Some concern was expressed about the need for personal information to be kept confidential. In the meantime WPA is awaiting expected Government announcements and directions.

Next Meeting December 9th 2021.

Meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Val Clark
Minute Secretary